Chapter 10

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"My dear sister your new name would now be Krystal Ren."

My eyes widen and looked at him if he was serious. I could sence he already knew I couldn't do it. So he did it for me. It wouldn't surprise me Snoke told him to let me get that name.

"I...I.. Well yeah I have no say in it I guess"

He looked at me and nodded

"Snoke knows this name belongs to you dear sister. He knew you would join later, he was telling me about how the galaxy would know us as the Ren Siblings both as Commanders of the first order."

I looked at him and just didn't move. So I was right I haven't a say in this at all.

"well first I need to get to understand how to use the force and a lightsaber isn't it?"

He nodded his head and gave a small smile. I returned the smile and was surprised he could still smile.

"lets get started now, shall we?"

My brother thought me the basic training on the force. Like things I need to know and how to use it. It was actually not that difficult. I got it easily done for the beginning terms. Now we where moving objects with the force. First it where small things and on the end of the training I could float a lot of stuff at the same time. He had a proud smile on his face. I wished somehow to get Ben back, I missed him a lot. I was so lost in thoughts that Kylo my brother was calling after me.

"Krystal... Krystal!"

I snapped my head at him and wanted to point my finger at him.

"My name is Aria So- right sorry it's just I have to getting used to it. What where you saying?"

"Yeah I was telling you we trained for four hours today, and it's now twelve in the midday. I want u to be at three back here, your great skilled in the force so we will build your lightsaber already. But first I need to get permission of Snoke."

"Do I have to be there too? Because it's about me and I want to know what he would say about the first day and my progress."

"Of course so that's why I want you at three here and we go together to Snoke. And you did good sister. The force is strong with u."

I smiled softly at him sometimes I see the old Ben but I have to keep my thoughts quite for him. Or he would give me a lecture about he isn't Ben anymore. I could hear him chuckle and felt his presence close to me.

"well sister, your not wrong about that and yeah I would give you a lecture about Ben and Aria Solo are gone"

While he said that I looked at him with widened eyes. Yes, I just gave in to the dark side but not completely. I just gave him a slight smile.



We both say at the same time. We turned around and where greeted by mister ginger hair.

"what?! Not you I meant him!"

He said to me and Kylo. I gave my brother a slight smirk and he returned the smirk.

"General Hux, you knew Aria right?"

"yeah your sister who is part of the resistance and is now here..."

He said annoyed and gave me a disgusting look on his face.

"Well Aria isn't a resistance anymore and Aria is gone. Meet my sister Krystal Ren"

Hux face snapped at kylo and then back at me.

"great another one"

Was all he said.

"I'll go then... I'll leave you with him Three a clock here?"

He nodded his head and started to talk to Hux. I walked to my quarters while I was there I took a quick shower and changed my clothes. I made myself some food and ate it. I grabbed the datapad and looked what I could do I still have one hour and ten minutes. I put it down and thought what I could do. maybe I can walk around for a while and see the base for myself. Yeah that's a great idea!

So I pressed some buttons to open my door and started to walk around.

"ma'am can I help you with something?"

A stormtrooper asked me, he didn't asked it like a rough way but it was in a friendly way.

"i'm good, just walking around for a while. What's your name?"

"i'm KL-3783, can I ask your's?"

"Of course you can, I'm A- Krystal Ren"

I could see he started to feel uncomfortable so I put a hand on his white shoulder armor.

"yeah Kylo Ren is my brother, I was one's Aria Solo but I'm new here so I have to get used to being here"

He nodded his head and I could sense he was relieved I wasn't going to scream or beat him. I'm not Kylo.

"i can lead you the way to places where you have to go"

"thats really sweet of you thank you but I have to go right now I have to be with Kylo at three in the training hall."

He nodded his head. And I left and went to the training hall it was a long way from where I was now but no stress I walk fast. I arrived even five minutes earlier then planned. I was greeted by my brother and we both went to Snoke. While we arrived there the guards where opening the door and we both greeted the supreme leader and kneeled down.


Oooo yeah again a new chapter!!! PARTY IN GALAXY!!!


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