Chapter 11

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We both kneeled down in front of The supreme leader.

"Rise my children"

He said to us and we both stood up, I stood next to my brother and he spoke up.

"Supreme Leader, I came to tell you that Krystal has made progress in the first 4 hours of training, she is strong really strong in the force."

Snoke stood up from his throne and looked at both of us. He had a smirk on his face.

"I know, I felt it, I sensed a strong connection with her and the force. It's strong but not strong enough for battles. Kylo I want you to train her hard I guess four hours a day isn't good enough she has to train at least eight hours a day especially with a lightsaber, I sensed your thoughts Kylo. You came here to ask permission to let her build her lightsaber, and by this, I gave you that permission!"

He said and looked all the time to Kylo, he never turned his gaze to me but after his last sentence, he sat back down and looked at me.

"krystal Ren, little sister of Kylo Ren. Training with her big brother, I sense your pull to the dark side I felt your anger towards your brother earlier. You will be second Commander of the first order, you work under the command of your brother and me. The other's will command under you. When you are ready you will train with the Knights of Ren together with your brother."

I smiled weakly and nodded my head.

"thank you Supreme Leader!"

"Supreme Leader... the Resist-"

Hux stormed in and trailed off when he heard Snoke talk to Kylo and me. We both turned to looked at him, I signed and crossed my arms.


Was all Snoke said and looked at Hux.

"The resistance haven't  found there droid to the map to Skywalker, they may find him pretty soon."

"Then the resistance must be destroyed before they get to Skywalker"

"The weapon it is ready, I believe the time has come to use it. We should destroy the government that supports the resistance, the republic. Without there friends to protect them the resistance would be venerable and we stop them before they reach skywalker."

"Go oversee preparations"

"Yes Supreme Leader"

I gave Hux a nod and saw him leaving he gave a nod back and Kylo looked at me with a raised eyebrow and I gave a slight smirk.

"Krystal I want you to stay on the Base here with Captain Phasma? You will be standing with her and the other officers and generals when The new Star Destroyer does it work. Kylo for you I need you to find that Map, it's not really wise to bring your sister already with you. You train her today still for 4 hours and tomorrow you will go while Krystal will be here on the base training her self and then go with Phasma to see it.

"Yes Supreme Leader!"

We said both in union. His hologram vanished, and Kylo and me walked out of the room where Hux was still there he walked to us and extended his hands out at me.

"I wasn't that kind to you earlier that day. Welcome to the First order Krystal."

I smiled at him and shook his hand.

"Thank you General!"

He gave a slight smile and I could sense my brother getting a bit confused. Hux padded my shoulder.

"Well since you are here Snoke gave you a title already?"

"Yea she has he gave her a title as Second Commander."

Kylo said and looked confused at Hux, why is he different against Krystal? First it was like she was a disease or some for him.

"well then I look forward to work together with you Second Commander"

I smiled and nodded my head.

"Look forward to it too! Now if you excuse me I have to attend my training again"

He nodded and left, and so did we the whole walking was quite and when we arrived at the training hall my brother spoke up to me.

"What did you do to Hux? He is completely different against you then me."

"Why are you jealous Ky? Because of Mr ginger doesn't like my Emo brother?"

"Very funny Aria"

I looked at him and raised an eyebrow.

"How did you call me? Ben!"

He looked at me and anger showed on his features. He throw something really heavy at me with the force I laughed and it came really close to me and stopped it with the force and threw it back with a lot of speed.

"your doing great! Use your anger!"

He threw it again with more power and speed with the force and I did the same. We did this for almost an hour.

"i was planning to let you build your lightsaber tomorrow but tomorrow is an important day so we do it when i'm back or in two days"

I nodded my head and held my thumbs up.

"Sounds good Ky."

"Good now what I want to train with you for the rest of the three hours is mind reading, moving things with the force and stop them your mastering it really quickly. I'm proud of you sis!"

Wow already two chapter in one day!!!

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