Chapter 2

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We arrived on Jakku me and Poe were the only ones who landed near the village where Lor San Tekka lived he had the map to uncle Luke so me and Poe where to ones who where going to get the map. We where greeted by the villagers and Lor San Tekka himself.

"Welcome you two I know you are here for the map. Sadly you guys aren't the only ones here for the map. The first order is here also for the map."

He said and looked at me. It felt like he knew something I didn't know but he gave already the map to Poe.


he screamed while grabbing my arm to drag me to my X-wing to escape while we both saw Kylo Ren killing Lor San Tekka. We wanted to leave but stormtroopers blasted both our engines of our X-wings.


He yelled at her he didn't wanted the first order find her and especially not Kylo. He gave BB-8 the map and told him to bring it to safety.


She screamed at him while she took her blaster she got from her father before he left D'Qar. She shot some stormtroopers who where coming closer to them. So Poe could try to shoot the masked sith everyone knows as Kylo Ren. When poe tried to shoot him the masked sith stopped it with the force and freezed Poe. Stormtroopers went to take him and pull him in front of him.


I yelled and ran after them I didn't wanted to let Poe get taken by them and pointed my blaster at Kylo.

"Don't take him!! He doesn't have what you needed we don't have what you need!"

I screamed at him while he uses the force to knock the blaster out of my hands.

"Bring him on board and her too I need them to tell me where the map is."

He ordered some stormtroopers to bring them on board he walked to where the blaster was laying down and took it he saw there was something scratched while he looked at it closer he saw the name Solo.

"Who is she? And how does she knows Han?""

He thought to himself and took it with him he wanted to know who the girl was. Was it someone of his past or was is someone who found it somewhere? Before he went into his ship he ordered Captain Phasma a female silver stormtrooper to kill the villagers.

Both Poe and I where on our way to Starkiller base for interrogation by Kylo Ren.

Will kylo found out who is Aria? And will he find the map? Go check then chapter three

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