Chapter 4

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I was in the big cell and slowly walked to the silhouette of the person. The person who sat there groaned softly in pain I could tell he was in pain. He didn't answer directly when I asked him so I asked him again

"Hello... who are you?"

The person shifted and called out.

"Aria..? Aria is that you...?"

I could hear it was Poe. So I walked closer to him and hugged him.

"omg I thought you where death"

I said and laid my head in the crock of his neck and wrapped my arms around him.

"no i'm not I was more afraid I would lose you! I shouldn't had brought you to Jakku"

I felt bad for him to think he is the reason why I am here.

"Poe dear it's not your fault I'm here my mother wanted me to go with u"

He nodded his head and smiled softly at me.

"I know but still your the only kid she has still left"

While he said that my head snapped and looked at Poe in his eyes.

"tell me... Is Kylo Ren... Ben my brother?"

I asked him with tears in my eyes I hoped he didn't lie to me. Because I knew Kylo is Ben because I saw it he took off his mask.


that's all he could say. We heard a bang on the door and the same stormtrooper who brought me here yelled at us to shut up. Poe didn't say anything anymore I looked at him with a raised eyebrow while anger is boiling in me. The stormtrooper opened the cell door and took off his helmet.

"I'm going to help you guys escape. I know how to get you both to the ships so we could escape"

He said to us

"We? What do you mean you going to escape as well?"

I asked him he nodded his head and looked at us

"Two of us can fly a Tie Fighter and another one can fly a Tie Silencer"

He told us and put on his helmet again he brought us to level where the ships are on the base some Tie Fighter pilots asked him why we where here and he just said he had an order to bring them away. The pilot nodded his head and let us go.

"Hey can you fly one of these?"

Poe asked him and he shook his head no I can't.

"Aria you get the Tie silencer it's for one pilot. Fly to the base immediately whatever happens don't return here. I take the Tie Fighter together with him and fly behind u to give you protection."

I gave a quick hug and ran to the Tie silencer to get out of here but before we could escape properly some stormtroopers started to shoot at both of us I climbed into the Tie Silenecer and looked how to start this thing. I found a button to start it and Poe took off already waiting for me somewhere around the base to give me protection. I started the ship and fly to the opening of the base where ships come in and out but before I could found a way to get away a Tie fighter who already was behind me shot the engine it didn't killed me or let it explode just I couldn't escape. I started to communicate through the intercom of the ship to Poe.

"Poe go! The engine already got shot! I have to give myself over. I can't go anywhere! Just go and tell Mom I love her!"

"Aria No!"

I could hear him say and climbed out of the ship with my hands in the air.

"i give myself over"

Damn guys what do you think will happen?

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