Chapter 12

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When my brother told me he was proud of me, my ego was growing. I stood proud and agreed with his proposal to train on mind-reading he thought me step by step, first it was hard but I slowly started to master it better.

"now let's try it with someone, why not some stormtrooper?"

He said I nodded my head and agreed, I saw my brother leave the room and almost dragged a stormtrooper into the room. I had to hide my laugh but the scene was like an angry dad who drags his son out of the room. When he came to me he ordered the stormtrooper to put of his helmet.

"What's going on? Am I in troubled?"

He asked in a shaky voice, I held my hand up for him to be quite and gave a slight smile.

"No but if you don't work along, this mean guy will skin you."

I pointed at Ky who had a mischievous grin on his face. I saw the stormtrooper being uncomfortable and nodded his head.

"So why am I here-?"

He was cut of by Kylo and started to explain it to him.

"Well, This is Krystal my apprentice and my younger sister Krystal Ren. she is Second Commander but that's for later. Why you are here? Is that she is learning how to get into someone's mind while using the force, So try it sister."

I nodded my head and held out my hand concentrated on the stormtrooper. I saw a young boy who was taken by other stormtroopers, while his parents where killed. He was afraid and then everything went black. Tears streamed down my eyes I couldn't see or sense things any further. He was just an happy boy with his parents and the First Order basically stole him and killed his parents. Ky pushed me away from the stormtrooper and used the force.

"you won't know anything what you just saw in your memory."

He said to the young boy who was earlier afraid of what happened and now hartbroken about his past. He repeated what Ky told him and left. While Kylo walked back to me and grabbed my upper arm painfully.

"why did you cry I thought you where stronger!"

He almost screamed at me, I tried to let his grip loosen around my upper arm. He let go of my arm and circled around me.

"Because that's not right! You just can't steal children and kill there patents!"

I screamed at him, he stopped and looked at me.

"let me tell you this, The First Order is the same as the resistance. We both want the same thing-"

I cut him off.

"By killing people? By stealing children? Once they used clones except stealing children!"

He looked at me and for the first time I saw not Kylo but Ben, he put his hand on my shoulder and just kept quite. After a while he spoke again.

"The First Order Does this to people who are hiding things for the first order, like refugees of other resistance bases who are destroyed or mostly planets who are against the first order."

I nodded my head and wiped away my dried stained cheeks.

"Isn't it better to use Clones? They all follow orders, they won't try to betray the first order like FN-2187 did. They will listen to everyone's orders, mother told us about the clone wars. We can make clones, use them as stormtroopers and make us greater than we already are.

My brother looked at me with a smile.

"Your right about the clones, I asked Hux if it wasn't better if we used clones."

"Wait Hux? He is responsible for this?"

"Well he is responsible for every mission the first order is planing to do. We just need to convince Snoke about it, if he doesn't agree then there is no word in it. I can't change it either, hux you and I have the highest ranks we immediately follow orders from supreme leader Snoke but you also my commands."

"also Hux's?"

I asked him and he shook his head in a no, snoke told us I follow ky's and Snoke's orders and no others.

"I just tell you Snoke's favorite general of the first order is Hux so if he says no about clones he would also make sure Snoke would say no about them."

I looked at him and nodded my head that I understand what he meant.

"then I go change Hux his opinion, i'm going to talk to him. I mean he is different around me then you."

While I said that I pointed to him and gave him a slight smile.

"your not wrong, you can try to talk to him. He was really different against you, maybe we should try that! I'm really proud of you sis!"

I smiled I know, I just became second commander for the first order. Two day ago I was just merely Aria Solo, a resistance pilot who was afraid and been kept hidden for the First Order. And now I'm second commander Krystal Ren, I work alongside with my brother Ky who is Commander, General Hux and many more important people of the First Order and important the Supreme Leader. Maybe the First Order isn't that bad like most people say.

Tomorrow will the First Order using there "big weapon" I have to be there on the platform with Phasma and Hux. While my brother is going to find the map to Skywalker.


Ooooh yaaay chapter 12 wowowowowo


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