Chapter One: A Mentor?

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September 21st, Ghastly's POV

"Testing, testing, 1 2 3. This recording? Okay. Entry number 112. It's been a total of 111 days since Papa went on some mission. I'm still staying with Mr. Killer, but he hardly hangs out with me. I find that odd. He always has something to do. Chores, even when there are none, run errands, meet with the others, etc. Sometimes he comes back and has to wash his clothes from ketchup he spilled on himself. For example, Mr. Killer is out getting groceries right now. But he's been gone for five hours. Mr. Encre and Fallacy watch over me more than anyone. I love them, they're so nice. Jasper is fun to play with, which is one of the few things I can do these days. Mr. Killer won't let me do anything. Go outside to play, nope. Go with him where he goes? Nuh-uh. Visit the others? Nah! The snow outside is taunting me. I can't even eat food when he's around because it may be poisoned! Ever since Papa left, he's been very protective yet so distant. But I get it, I miss Papa too. I just wish he'd come home soon. Complete mission or not, I want him back. I am starting to worry. Papa....No, he's out there. I just need to look on the bright side of things. Too bad I can't visit anyone or E!Pap and Uncle Dream or someone would probably be able to give me to optimism. I'll give an update tomorrow."I say, making a voice recording

I click the stop button and tuck it in my pocket. I sigh and continue to stare out the window, completely bored. Dunno what to do. I hear footsteps. I look away from the window.

"Hello Mr. Encre. How are you? Oh, wait, pretty good I assume."I say with a smle

"Bonjour, Ghastly. Em, yes, I'm good."He says

Encre smiles at me. But he has Fallacy hovering behind him, chuckling with his arms around Encre. This has grown normal.

"May I go outside to play?"I ask

"Hmm..."Encre thinks on it

"Oh come on, love. Let him. He hasn't gone outside or anything in so long. He should have some fun. It won't be so bad."Fallacy says

"But what about Killer?"Encre asks

"I will handle him."Fallacy says

"Sure, go ahead."Encre says

"Yay!"I cheer, running outside

I start making snowangels and running around, having as much fun as possible. Then, I get an idea. I start to make a snowman. I put a lot of effort into it and then start the second. Then I do a third. I made the third smaller. I step back and look at my work. I smile. I break a twig off of a bush and dig a line around the three snowmen, making a heart. I smile. 

Perfect now.

"Huh, nice work. I'm sure they'll love seeing that."A voice says

I turn and jump, finding someone I haven't seen before leaning against another house's wall. And they were casually holding a weapon on their shoulder. He wears a mask, a small jacket with tie and shirt underneath, jeans and boots. I step back nervously.

"Woah! Relax! I'm not gonna hurt you......You're father sent me."He says

"M-My father? Is he okay? Is he coming back soon?"I ask

"He's...He's coming. He's fine. You're Ghastly right? His son?"He asks

"Mhm. Who are you?"I say

"....Étoile. I've been sent to look after you and train you, like a mentor. He thinks it's time you learn self-defense."He says

"He says

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