Chapter 8: The Masks We Wear

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You quickly shower and head into the dressing room to find Lottie applying her makeup. You decide you don't want to go too over the top since the guys are probably still in their swim trunks. So you go for your college student look, because technically, you are. Sometimes you have to remind yourself. Finding a balance between your sexy goddess and frumpy hermit is really difficult.

 Finding a balance between your sexy goddess and frumpy hermit is really difficult

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You take a look in the mirror, cute yet functional. You put on light makeup again because you don't feel like it would clash with the look you're going for. You put your gold rimmed, round Armani prescription glasses. They're climate lenses and you only need them to read, but more often than not, you use them as a fashion accessory.

Lottie looks at you in her black lace spaghetti crop top, black distressed shorties and mesh pantyhose with black combat boots. This girl surely doesn't own any other colour.

"You look good enough to eat, Lottie." You compliment.

She smiles and thanks you for the compliment. You both head out to the cars quickly and you're transported to a little vineyard that has a beautiful Tuscan villa in the distance. You find Lucas waiting for you with a rose in his hand and his face lights up when he sees you.

"You look more and more beautiful every time I see you." He compliments.

You feel your face burn as he pulls your seat out for you and you sit down to enjoy some chocolate and Champagne. At first he's really shy, until you get the ball rolling and you find out he really does come from a rich family, but he doesn't want to advertise it like some people. You ask him about his hobbies and he tells you about collecting figurine cars and motorcycles, which is cute.

He asks more about you and you tell him about how you love listening to classical music as you study and his face lights up while he tells you about his favourite modern day composers. You tell him you're more of a golden oldie and he laughs. He asks you about your degree and you tell him about your particular fascination with stem cell research.

All in all, the date went extremely well and there's a spark of chemistry as your hands reached for the same chocolate in the bowl. His face morphs into a sultry smirk that makes you squirm a bit in your seat as he holds onto your hand. This action didn't go unnoticed by him and he brings your hand up to his lips to kiss.

You know you're heading into dangerous territory as you glance at Lottie, who seems to be having a good chat and making Henrik laugh. Luckily, your phone beeps, and you quickly take it out to learn the date has ended. Lucas tells you to hold on before he gets out of his seat to help you out of yours, but his hands hold onto your hips tightly as his thumbs rub your back at a certain pressure point that makes you groan in pleasure. You quickly catch yourself and jump out of his arms.

"Sorry, it looked like you had some built up tension in you, I was trying to loosen you up a bit. I am a physiotherapist after all." He teases with his sexy smirk that sends your head in a tailspin. This is bad.

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