Chapter 40: War, What is It Good For? Absolutely Nothing

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"~War! Huh! (Good God y'all) What is good for, absolutely nothing! (Say it again y'all) War! Huh! Yeaaah, what is good for, absolutely nothing!~" You sing out as you make your way down the lawn. It's a great song for an action montage. You have the two truffles you saved up that Bobby made for you on your hips in a little pretty wrapper.

Bobby heard someone, particularly his girl's voice, but deepened and sounding like an 80's musician, singing out Edwin Starr's 'War.' He then turns in the direction the voice came from and he literally spits his drink out and bursts out laughing. She was doing a bunch of atrocious looking commando rolls and landing on one knee as if she was a bad ass while singing the song. The other guys joined in the laughter once they saw Lei.

You're in the zone, flipping and rolling like a genuine ninja. Sometimes... You impress yourself too much. Then, you remember you didn't get enough food in you, so you stop everything and walk back normally to the kitchen.

Bobby is left in stitches. She just abruptly stopped in the middle of a roll, landed on her side like a stubborn cat that doesn't want to go for a walk and immediately stood back up to walk back into the villa. The others are dying as well...

"What... in the world, was that about?" Graham asks between laughs.

"Lei being Lei." Bobby responds after calming down.

Graham looks at him. "Mate, you're smitten."

Bobby actually blushes. Most of the time it's because of Lei. "Yeah... who wouldn't be smitten with a such a lass." He looks down. He can't help the warmth that just builds up inside his chest when he let's his guard down and just, surrenders to being in the moment with and because of Lei. All this scheming of his is taking it's toll. He only genuinely smiles when Lei's around or is even remotely mentioned. He can't afford that. He remembers to get his defenses up.

You decide to snack on some cheerrios. The brunch of choice. Just then, you hear someone call out your name behind you. It's the target. You weren't prepared, but war is hardly predictable.

You put on your best smile. "Shannon, how are you, ya beautiful creation of God?" You lay it on thick. That way, there won't be any suspicion. You're slick like that. Why you're not a detective is beyond you.

"Uuuhmmm, I'm good... how are you?"

"Now that you're here, I'm fantastic. Cheerios?" You offer.

She looks at the bowl, then at you hesitantly. "No thank you. I've... I just ate. Look, you don't need to butter me up. I know when something weird is going on. What were you all talking about on the roof just now? Are you up to something?"

Le gasp! How can this be? I was so subtle, so suave, like James Bond.

You cough. "We were discussing the stagnation of the weather, but most of all, how beautiful your voluptuous curves are. Why, if I didn't have two boys to worry about, I'd-"

She bursts out laughing. "You're even cuter than on TV just ask your questions."

"My great interrogation skills have always worked." You grumble. "Okay, let's cut to the chase toots, we know the boys 'been up to no good see, so uh, I need you... to tell me what you know... and tell me now." You glance at the bowl of leftover cheerios. "Or you'll be looking at me chewing loudly and in your face while following you around the whole day." You threaten in a Boston accent that sounds more like a Jersey accent. If good cop doesn't work, bad cop surely will.

Shannon has a mischievous grin on her face while she struggles not to laugh. "Alright, alright, say no more Lei, I like you. I feel like I can trust you."

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