Chapter 61: When Cracks Start To Show

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You're looking at Bobby like a little stalker as he sleeps. Yesterday was hectic, to say the least. You're still trying to figure everything out and you can't help but think that maybe you've been moving way too fast. It's only been twenty six days! Can you really fall in love with someone in such a short amount of time?

Bobby has clearly shown how great of a boyfriend he can be, but you're in Oxford and he's all the way in Glasgow. The logistics of everything after the show are going to be a nightmare.

Not to mention the aspects of Bobby you just discovered yesterday. You knew Bobby was an underground street fighter, but you guess you were naive to think that the traumatic experience he had didn't affect his psyche a bit... in yesterday's case, a lot it seems. You look at his peaceful face with the morning light, highlighting his constellations of freckles in a warm glow. He's just so cute, you want to pinch his cheeks. Listen to me going from worrying to being enamoured by Bobby. What am I going to do with myself? You sigh dramatically. You need some Lei time.

You get out discreetly from the sheets and make your way into the kitchen. You look into the fridge and take out some orange juice before going up to the terrace to have some time to yourself to think everything over. The terrace is filled with the sunrise appearing just over the Spanish horizon and you take out your phone out to snap a great pic of the gorgeous view before sitting down and getting lost in contemplation.

About an hour passes before the sun comes out fully. You hear footsteps coming up and turn your head to see Hannah coming towards you with a gentle smile.

"Hey, Lei!" She happily greets.

You smile in kind. "Hi, Hannah."

She sits down next to you. You notice the coral coloured lace lingerie she has on and you have to admit, it suits her quite well.

"How long have you been up? Bobby must have slipped in while we were still asleep. He was still sleeping when some of us got up just a moment ago. Yesterday was quite the... spectacle." She notes offhandedly as she averts her gaze to the scenery.

"Yeah, I'm still taking everything in. Something tells me we're in for another shock today." You remark with clear worry in your tone.

She smiles sympathetically and pats your leg. "I think yesterday was bound to happen. You should just take every day as it comes. There's no use in being worried about things you can't change, but you have to talk it out with your partner if something is bugging you." Hannah offers sagely.

You take a deep breath and nod. "You're right. I guess I'm just being anxious now that I've admitted my feelings for Bobby."

"Come on then, let's not keep your boyfriend waiting." Hannah takes your hand and pulls you up to lead you to the dressing room.

You get to the dressing room to find Hope and some of the girls chatting.

"Lei! You're positively glowing!" Hope compliments as she takes a look at you.

"Thanks, Hope. I could say the same for you." You cheekily wink at her.

She giggles with a blush.

"Honestly, I don't know who's cuter, you and Bobby or Noah and Hope." Hannah gushes.

"Eeuuugh, being put in the same sentence as Nope makes me feel like a field of corn."

Hope laughs. "Now you know what it's like to be madly in love. You know, I'm just glad we're over the recoupling drama. I'm actually looking forward to the coupley bit."

Hannah deadpans. "Your whole time here has been a coupley bit."

Hope shrugs. "I guess that will make our time here easier, then."

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