Chapter Twenty Four
A/N I get excited when you all read and comment, so I'm posting an extra chapter, thanks guys, for making me happy! :)
Marcus Thomas was sat behind his desk at the club that housed his businesses and stared at Sonny sat opposite him. Sonny had always been on his radar, but the younger man didn’t know that. He loved these situations where circumstances in one place had a domino effect on to so many others. He appreciated the irony of it all and this particular one was about to blow in an almighty explosion, and he was waiting with baited breath. This was what made life worth living...
“So, Oldbury? He’s a problem?”
Sonny sighed, he hated that he’d been summonsed here, again. He’d managed to avoid meeting the king pin for years, now he’d met him twice in two months. But it was his own fault, the jungle drums must have sounded as soon as he turned up at some old stomping grounds in London. He’d lasted just over a week before he started to get requests for a visit from Marcus, but then he knew that he wanted to take this to its conclusion himself, and Marcus was holding all the cards. His ideas of getting free of this life were narrowing as he spoke.
“He’s trying to buy farm land, wants to develop houses, but he’s also using bully boy tactics to snap up some businesses in a neighbouring town. He’s a mug but seems small fry. I told Dave all this.”
Dave the ‘assistant’ or rather bodyguard nodded from the corner.
“I know,” Marcus sighed, “but I want to make sure we’re doing the right thing. He’s treading on my toes, I need him silenced.”
Sonny hid a sigh, all these months and Marcus chose now, as he was settled, as he was formulating his own plans and his own solutions, to do this? He wanted to scream. But he couldn’t let the older and more worldly man see that chink in his armour. “Silenced how?”
Marcus smiled, “I want to end him, but I think he’s got more value than that...but I’m thinking a trip inside might mean we can...coax him around to our way of thinking.”
“I’m not sure he’s that malleable.”
Grinning Marcus tossed a packet down onto the table, “your chance to pay him back. If you still want to?”
Sonny looked down at the table, then back at the older man. This was the moment he’d been waiting for, but there was that unspoken extra thing that concerned him, the bargaining chip that had been held over his head for months.
“And the other stuff?”
“If you immobilise Oldbury, you will have the information within twelve hours...wherever you are.”
“Then I’ll be free?”
Marcus didn’t agree, but he didn’t fight it either.
Sonny groaned, this was the last thing he wanted, but he had to be free, and this was part of the deal. Two weeks ago he had envisaged a future that involved Martha, Carl, the farm, and more, but now that was all in arms too. Regardless he wanted to be free of this life, this undercurrent and underworld. And as he travelled back to the farm by train, his mind was full of all that was going on. He’d gone to prison after being set up, a set up by Oldbury. Now he had information to implicate Oldbury in a huge crime, something he wouldn’t be able to get out of. A set up of his own.

Trying Not To Love You
Storie d'amoreMartha has a life, a happy one, a long way from the home she left abruptly after a night that changed her life. But when her father is taken ill she has to return to the farm she called home to find everything has changed and no one's past seems saf...