Chapter Thirty Four
Sonny loved watching Martha work the room; he did it so often, stood there in awe of her charisma and capability of managing huge crowds so competently. He'd had a traumatic afternoon, emotionally the up and coming week was making him nervous, not because he feared failure or because he worried about Marcus Thomas, the biggest concern for him was Martha, and Ethan. Getting that bastard locked up was exactly what he needed to help them, and without that, well it didn't bear thinking about. Martha was already talking about leaving, and he'd love to go to her, convince her that he was right for her...for them, but that was a battle in itself. Her leaving town, going back to being a mother was wholly dependent on him carrying the can, looking after her father and the restaurant.
He couldn't see her get Ethan back AND be with her at the same time. That was if Oldbury was still around. He'd gone into this deal to find out what it was that Marcus had on him, he'd hinted that he knew more about Sonny that was pleasurable since day one, and finding that out, plus getting Oldbury in revenge had been everything. Now? Now Martha's freedom, happiness and safety were his single motivation. That wasn't bad for a man who'd spent the whole of his life doing what he wanted for purely selfish reasons.
She was ethereal tonight, in a dress, a tailored dress, something that fitted her well and those long legs were in heels. She glided around the room delivering meals and smiling to the patrons, she was an asset to any business, she'd be amazing if she stayed here and made the restaurant work as it could. With Oldbury out of the equation would she? He wasn't sure, she still had a life in London, and she may be just as keen to get back to that. The thought of life without her was painful, but that was the looming reality.
"You look like you've just lost a fortune!" She came to stand beside him and it pulled Sonny out of the depth of his thoughts.
"Just thinking, would you believe?"
She laughed, "sounds dangerous. You ready to clear the tables?"
Once everyone had eaten they had to pull back four tables to make room for the makeshift dance floor. Sonny smiled then called Paul over and the two of them started to move the furniture.
She was still watching him when he came back to stand beside her, "what?"
Laughing again she leaned in, "just thinking how much a suit suits you!"
Sonny groaned as she walked away. Every time he got over her, convinced himself that this was never happening, she threw a lifeline at him like that. He knew it may sound conceited, but she wouldn't be paying him compliments if she wasn't thinking about him, yet she pushed him away all the time. These mixed messages were killing him. He watched her across the room, talking to the party organiser, tonight the restaurant was filled with workers from a local factory, and they were talking about rebooking for a few months time. And she glanced up catching him off guard, and the look she gave him, the beaming smile, the searching eyes...set a bolt of heat through his body like a knife. How the hell was he going to cope with the rest of the evening?
"I'm going to finish off some paperwork in the office, you ok out here?" It was busy but Sonny could easily cope with the bar, Sam one of the young waitresses and stayed to help, as usual Martha had let Paul go home to his family around ten.
"Cope with our eyes closed," Sonny reassured, "hey Sam?"
The young girl nodded enthusiastically, "you go do what you need to."
Martha groaned at the devotion in the younger girl's eyes, seemed Sonny had yet another fan, shaking her head she mouthed the word, "behave," at Sonny, then disappeared into the office.

Trying Not To Love You
RomanceMartha has a life, a happy one, a long way from the home she left abruptly after a night that changed her life. But when her father is taken ill she has to return to the farm she called home to find everything has changed and no one's past seems saf...