Chapter Eighteen
A/N So there has been a slow build up of several parts of the stories over the last few chapters, and over the next few things start to come to a head, so expect what I hope are not too predictable fireworks! Love to hear your thoughts.
Back at the farm her father, giggling like a teenager was a nightmare, for a moment Martha had a snapshot of the future and Ethan as a drunken teenager and it wasn't a great vision. Eventually her Dad was in his bed and snoring, she made for the kitchen, not really wanting to be up when Sonny came back...if he came back, he'd been getting on with Jade, that usually meant him tomcatting around town.
And that's what killed you, a voice told her somewhere deep inside her head. He hinted that he wanted you, and then he's wrapped around someone else, but YOU turned him down. She brushed the hint of jealousy away. The real reason she was angry was her father, he was recovering, he didn't need the effects of excess alcohol on his body. That was her ONLY concern. Honestly.
Her aunt was in bed, the house quiet, so she poured herself a glass of wine, turned on the radio and reached for today's newspaper. But for SO many reasons she was finding it difficult to relax. Not just because of her inner turmoil, there was something in the air, Tessa and baby Mickey were jumpy, barking at every little noise, and the horses seemed jittery. Then it started. The storm clouds darkened the sky and claps of thunder accompanied flashes of lightening.
She'd never been scared of storms, but neither was she their greatest fan, and from the kitchen she could hear the animals becoming more distressed. She couldn't leave the puppy in the outhouse, that wasn't fair, he was just a baby.
In the feed room she found the two dogs cowering together under one of the cupboards, with a groan of sympathy she called them out, then carried their basket into the warmth and security of the kitchen. The two animals dived into it gratefully and she turned the radio up to block out some of the sounds of the storm.
As she was about to lock up she heard a noise outside, a crash, and what sounded like a car revving. The saboteur was back. Tonight of all nights.
Without really thinking things through, she grabbed her rain jacket from the back of the door and a stick, a two foot long piece of broom handle that her Aunt used as a rolling pin when she bothered to cook, then rushed out into the now driving rain.
There was a light, maybe a torch in the distance, but with the thick rain it was hard to see. As she ran across the yard, someone grabbed her from the left. Presuming it was Sonny, she turned with a scowl, and came face to face with Scott Oldbury, the heavy rain had soaked him and water ran in rivers off his face, anger in every inch of his expression. She glanced between him and the light in the distance, trying to work out what was happening as she tried to pull away from the grip around her arm, and that slight distraction gave Scott the chance to push her up against the Land Rover, hurtling her backwards into the unyielding metal.
"You didn't sell." His snarling mouth was inches from her face and she could feel his breath on her face. "I told you to."
She'd had more visitors looking to develop the land repeatedly since he'd warned her, and she'd stood her ground. "I'm not going to!"
He laughed evilly and she could smell the alcohol on his breath, a drunken Scott was more fearful than a sober one, "that was mistake two! One was leaving me in the first place."
She tried to scowl, but a hand reached for her hair and grabbing a fistful pulled it, tugging her head backwards so that the streaming rain blinded her. The other dragged her coat open and clawed at her shirt.

Trying Not To Love You
Storie d'amoreMartha has a life, a happy one, a long way from the home she left abruptly after a night that changed her life. But when her father is taken ill she has to return to the farm she called home to find everything has changed and no one's past seems saf...