Chapter 2

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       I was trying to catch Squid because he punched me when suddenly I'm pulled to the side of the stone brick road in the Funland. I scream at the top of my lungs but it was quickly cut off by a hand clamped over my mouth. I'm quickly blindfolded and gagged while my kidnapper holds my hands behind my back.

       "Hello, Amy. Long time. Remember me?" It was Hit The Target. I scream again but it was muffled from the piece of cloth he had tied around my mouth. I heard distant yells of panic calling my name from the rest of the Magic Animal Club. "Perfect. They will be so desperate to get you back that they'll risk anything. Then I will slay that stupid cat and this world will be mine for the taking," he says when he hears their screams. Oh no. He can't kill Stampy. He can't. I can't lose my friend.

       We arrive at his towering fortress made of nether brick. He leads me inside and throws me in a cell. "I'll deal with you later," he says, grinning evilly, and leaves me to cry in this damp, dark prison.


       I arrive at Stampy's clubhouse at the exact time as he said. Everyone else is there too, looking tense and nervous. Lee has his diamond sword out, like someone would sneak up on him and attack him any second. I see Rosie sobbing quietly into Finnball's shoulder while he tries to calm her down. Ash looks really nervous, and Stampy is sitting at the head of the table. He looks very tired for some reason. I can't help but feel guilty for what happened to Amy. If it wasn't for me fooling around then she never would have been taken.

       "Alright!" I hear Stampy say, but no one hears him. He repeats himself, louder,  but same results. "Alright! Everyone shut up!" I yell out loudly. Immediately everyone snaps to attention. "Thank you, Squid," Stampy says, trying to hold back his laughter at my loud (but necessary) outburst. "As we all know, Amy Lee has been kidnapped by Hit The Target. We are all here to discuss what we are going to do about it." "What are we going to do?" Rosie asks between sobs. "I have an idea. I don't know if it will work, but here it is," Stampy tells us.

       "Me, Squid, Finnball and Ash will distract HTT. Rosie, you and Lee will go inside Hit The Target's fortress and find Amy. You guys will get her out and into safety as fast as possible. As soon as she's out, Lee, you give me the signal, and me, Squid and Ash will distract him for a little longer. Then Finnball, you sneak into a tree and shoot an arrow at him. When he looks to see who shot it, you hide in the leaves while Squid and Ash run to Lee, Rosie, and Amy. I'll stay behind and distract him while you two run away. I'll figure out a way to get back to you all."

       It's a brilliant plan except for one thing. And I think other people agree with me. "Stampy, I won't let you risk your life for us," Lee yells. "Yea, Stamps, I will never leave you behind," I jump up and add in. "Look, guys, I know this might be difficult, but HTT wants to kill me. I'll be the best distraction," Stampy tells me and Lee. I hate to say it but he's right. I sit back down and so does Lee. I feel a tear roll down my cheek but I quickly wipe it away. "Ok then. This will happen tomorrow. You may leave," Stampy finishes. I get up before anyone can see that I've been crying and quickly walk out of the room. As soon as I get out the tears start flowing and I run home as fast as I can. I don't want to risk losing Stampy, but I have no choice. I flop down on my bed and fall asleep.


       I see that Squid is the first person to leave. I get a glimpse of his face and see that his eyes are red and puffy. He must've been crying. I feel like doing the same thing but I can't bring myself to do it. I exit the room along with Ash and Finnball and go through the painting in Stampy's room. I climb up the ladder to see my bed and a double-chest. That's where I keep all of Stampy's cakes for breakfast. I smile as I look at it and take one out.

       I hear Stampy in his bedroom pacing back and forth. I climb back down the ladder, cake in hand, and poke my head out of the painting. "Lee, what are you doing?" He asks me, laughing. "Nothing," I reply, grinning. I walk fully out of the painting and put down a cake in front of him. I watch as he gobbles it down. "Num num num num num!" he says, shooting cake crumbs from his mouth. "Eww, Stampy!" I say, laughing. "What?" He says through a mouthful of cake. He swallows the rest of the cake and smiles at me. "I really needed that," he tells me, "listen, Lee, if I don't make it, I want you to know that I'm really thankful that you are my minecraft helper, friend, and brother. Not blood-brother but you know.

       "And I-I want you to know that, I love you Lee," he stutters. "I love you too Stamps," I say. We hug each other hard for a long time and then I pull away. I walk back into the painting and lay on my back in bed. "I'll see you soon, Stampy. You won't die," I say to myself softly. Then I drift off to sleep.

Hey guys! Thanks for checking out my book. Liking so far? Let me know and I'll try and update more often. Peace out!

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