Chapter 8

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        "Ah, Mr. Stampy Cat. I've been expecting you. I assume you are here for your other animal friend?" Hit The Target says to me. I breathe in and out so he doesn't realize that I was crying { I actually did this while writing XD }. "Then you assume correctly," I respond evenly. "Come with me," he beckons me towards himself and grins, "I have a feeling you're missing someone, or more specifically, a squid.  Why didn't he mention Lee?

        He leads me into an extremely hot room. This must be where Squid is. I see lava and directly above is a terrified looking Squid. Almost the same as when I saw him, but he looks exhausted; bags under his eyes, pale face, his body collapsed on the bottom of the cage. He looks almost dead, but I can't help wondering about Lee.

        "You may take your friend back, in exchange for something else." What could he want? "Me?" I ask him, trying to hide my nervousness by sounding brave. I obviously failed as I see his grin spread wider across his green face. "Of course not, you silly cat. I've caused you enough trouble. All I want is a stack of bones," he laughes. It's definitely a good enough trade for Squid.

        "Alright," I say. His smile grows wider. "But..." he frowns again, " I want Lee back as well." HTT gives me a confused look as well as Squid. "I don't have your bear friend," he says, sounding confused, "when I left you that sign, I saw another from Lee saying that he went on holiday." What? I never saw that, I think I would've noticed it. Then again, I was very tired and grief-stricken that I probably wasn't paying attention. Rosie only said that Lee had disappeared without saying where. I guess I'll ask Squid.

       " Alright then, let Squid down." I hand him the bones. Why did I even have a stack of bones on me anyway? Hit The Target takes the bones from my paw. He walks over to the wall, pulls a lever, and a bridge slides out. He unlocks the cage and lets Squid out. He pulls himself up and walks over to me slowly, then collapses on my shoulder. I turn aroud, holding Squid up, and walk out.

*Time skip*

        "Stampy! Squid!"

        "Where were you, Stamps?"

        "Why'd you leave?"

        "You guys are back!"

        "Is Squid okay?"

        "Where's Lee?"

        Wow, a lot of questions. I guess that's what I get for sneaking off. But they didn't see the sign from Lee either. I'm starting to think he's lying. "Let him through," I hear Finnball say. They part for me, I go to my bed and lay Squid down to rest.


        I wake up in Stampy's bed. This must be a dream. Did he really come? I attempt to sit up but an excruciating pain stops me. "Owww!" I yell. Suddenly Stampy rushes inside along with Finnball and gives me a hug. Gosh, that hurts even more. "Stamps, that hurts," I say through gritted teeth. "Oh, sorry Squid," he says. Stampy releases me and Finnball walks over and smiles. They sit on the side of the bed and their smiles turn to frowns. "What's wrong?" I ask, nervously.

        "It's Lee. He disappeared after you released Amy. Hit The Target claims that he saw a sign saying that Lee went on holiday. I went up to the Room of No Requirment to see if Lee had left a note, but there was nothing there," Stampy tells me. "Did you see him there?" Finnball asks me. "Let me think." 

        I went to help Amy, then HTT threw me in a cell. I woke up in a cage above lava. The next day, someone was there...

        "Lee!" I yell suddenly, making Stampy and Finnball jump. "He was there! He was chained to the wall and he kept trying to get to me then Hit The Target knocked him out and I fell asleep and when I woke up he was gone!" I say quickly. Stampy looks at me like I'm crazy and Finnball looks thoughtful. I guess I spoke too fast. "Amy told me that there was a trapdoor that she tripped on when Hit The Target took her. Maybe that's where Lee is," Finnball says slowly.

        That must be it...right? Where else would Lee be? "Why did HTT let me go and not Lee?" I ask them. "No idea," Stampy answers.

        Suddenly an arrow comes whizzing past me, so close I feel the wind, and hits Finnball straight in the chest. He falls of the bed and I see his blood oozing out of the wound. "Oh my god!" I yell. I look at Stampy's balcony to see HTT there, holding a bow. I look behind me to see Stampy putting something around the wound. Hit The Target turns around,holding an ender pearl, and just before he throws it, I tackle him straight off the balcony. If I don't respawn, I hope Hit The Target comes with me.

I've gotta stop now. My mood ring is telling me I'm stressed, and I don't want to raise my blood pressure. Message me if you wanna know why my bp is an issue, but whatever. I will try to update again soon, but I have to give my other books attention. And I have a life! Just kidding I really don't. Peace out, Kitty Cats!

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