Chapter 24

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        We arrived at the forest pretty quickly, considering no one wanted to waste any time not trying to rescue them, since we have no idea what Hit The Target could do with those new-found powers of his. When I look inside, it looks like a dim, dark maze of trees. I could make a new mini game based off this...(if you got the reference you are my friend)

        "Stampy! What's it look like?" Finnball asks me, snapping me out of my thoughts. "It's dark," I call back. "Great description," he replies sarcastically. "How about a dark maze of trees?" I suggest. "That's fine, lets just go look for them," he says. I hear a bit of rustling leaves, then see Finnball, Sqaishey, and Amy pop up out of the bushes. "Which way, Little Ducky?" I ask Sqaishey, jokingly saluting her, cutting my hand on a sharp leaf doing so. "That way," she giggles, pointing at a small tree surrounded by bushes.

        As we walk over I overhear Sqaishey and Amy talking. "How're you and Stampy?" Amy asks Sqaishey. "Why do you care?" Sqaishey laughs. "Because it's love!" Amy exclaims dreamily. Sqaishey laughs again and stumbles on a branch. "We're good, Stampy's actually really romantic," Sqaishey tells Amy. I can't help but smile at her remark. "And Stampy, I know you're listening to us!" Sqaishey laughs. Oh crap. My face goes bright red and I try to look away, but they already saw. "Aww, Kittycake. No need to be embarrassed," Sqaishey assures me, giving me a quick kiss on my cheek. "Thanks," I smile.

        Suddenly I hear a loud scream and see Amy drop through a pile of leaves. I gasp loudly and Sqaishey grabs my arm. But Finnball, wasting no time, jumps right down after her. I look over at Sqaishey and shrug, then, still holding tightly to each other's hands, jump down after them.

        We go down a long metal slide before landing straight in the middle of a dimly lit room. "Jeez, Finnball! What was that?" I exclaim, trying to find a light switch. I feel one on the wall and flick it on to see Amy rubbing her head and Sqaishey with both hands over her heart like she'd just recovered from a heart attack. "Dunno. I just knew we had to come down here eventually, and we are here now, so..." he says as he gets up. "Where exactly is here?" Amy asks him. I shrug and walk back over to Sqaishey, who's face is now so pale, she looks like she's seen a ghost.

        I tune out Finnball and Amy and focus on my girlfriend. "Sqaish, you okay?" I ask her, rubbing her back soothingly. She shakes her head slightly and looks over at me. "Joe, I recognize this room," she says, shivering. She only ever calls me by my real name when she's extremely upset about something, which, for as long as I've known her, has only been one other time when she found out that her brother went missing.

        I shake my head, showing her that I know what she means, and help her up. She leans against my shoulder, still shivering. I look around and see boxes and boxes piled up on each other in the corners of the room, all labeled Do Not Touch, with some kind of symbol on them. I turn back around to see Amy, Finnball, and Sqaishey looking at me expectantly. "What?" I ask, confused. "Where are we going now?" Finnball laughs. "Oh, um, let me think," I say.

        There's four doors that we could go through, all closed except one. "That one," I say, pointing at the open door. As we try to find our way through the dark and twisty hallways I feel feathers in my paw. I look over and can just make out Sqaishey's silhouette in the darkness. "You chose this one 'cause it was open, didn't you?" she asks me. "Yea," I sigh. She giggles a little and gives me a quick kiss on the cheek.

        "I think I can see some light," Amy says, a little farther in front of me. Within a few seconds I see the light come into view. "Don't go to the light!" Finnball jokes. "We don't really have anywhere else to go, but if you want to stay in the dark, be my guest," Sqaishey laughs. "Maybe I will."

        We walk into a futuristic-looking (yes, I spelled that right) room that's basically just another long hallway, but along both walls are pods. "Jeez, this looks so cool!" Amy exclaims. "Yea," Finnball mumbles under his breath.

        I stop in my steps and almost fall over when I see what's in the further pods. In them is Squid, Ash, Netty, and Nicole, all frozen solid. "Oh my gosh," I whisper. "What is it, Stam- oh my god," Finnball says as he catches up with me. "What are you guys freaking out abou- what the heck?" Amy says as she comes over. Sqaishey gasps, finally being able to do something, as we all stand in awe looking at our unmoving friends.

        "I see you've found your missing friends," a voice says behind me. "What the hell do you want now, Hit The Target?" I growl angrily, not turning around and clenching my fists. "Careful, Mr. Cat. That's how one of your friends ended up the way they are now," he laughs. I turn around, Finnball and Sqaishey at my side, and desperately try to restrain myself from pouncing on him and stabbing him over and over again with my diamond sword. "I said, what do you want?" I repeat through clenched teeth. "You. I want you to hand yourself over to me, how else am I going to get your world?" he replies simply.

         "Stampy, don't do it. Don't listen to him. We can get our friends back and get rid of him, trust me," Finnball reassures me. "Yea! We can do this together," Amy agrees. Should I listen to them or him? "Stampy, please don't leave me. Please," Sqaishey begs desperately. "I need to talk to you privately," I say to him after a moment. He beckons me towards himself and I follow him. He leads me into another room separate from where my friends are and shuts the door. We both sit down and look at each other. "Justin, why? Why are you doing this to me? You're supposed to be my brother."

I'm mean, I know. But since you guys always message me asking when I'm gonna update, I'll just tell you. Most of the time I'll have the next chapter written and ready to be published, then once I can see that most of you have read the last one, I update so you don't get confused. If it's been a long time, then I probably have writer's block, or I'm just writing a really long chapter. And I'm super excited! One, Squid's bday is in three days!!! And mine is in a little less than three weeks!!!! I know it's a while, but I'm still excited. If you're curious, mine's on February 11. I'll try and update soon, don't kill me cause of cliffhangers! And the books you guys suggested were amazing. I enjoy reading every one of them, and there are certain ones that I need an update on every day! Not naming names, you know who you are. I'd better end this a/n before I get too carried away. Peace out, Kitty Cats!

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