Chapter 13

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        After Squid and Ash leave, I look around. I see Rosie on Stampy's bed, clutching her chest. Her hands are covered in scarlet red blood. How did she get so hurt? I look at her chest to see a faint rise and fall, before I black out.

        "Squid!" Amy shouts after him."Bet you can't catch me!"  he yells back. Amy sprints after him along with Rosie. Stampy looks over at Finnball, Ash and me and shrugs. "What the heck," I say and we all start running to catch up with the girls and Squid. I see a flash of red and black then hear a scream. "Help!" it's Amy.

"Where are you?!"


*2 weeks later*

        I snap open my eyes, my body sweating like crazy. Amy is leaning over me along with Finnball, Stampy, and Squid. "I don't know, he just kept screaming for me," Amy says nervously. "Hey, he's awake," Squid says quietly. They all back up giving me room to sit up. "Amy! You're okay!" I exclaim, pulling her into a hug. "Yea, Lee. I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?"

        "You disappeared after chasing Squid then I saw HTT and he took you but I wasn't sure if it was him so I didn't say anything! But you're back!" She pulls away, looking shocked, and my face falls. "It's true!" I say unhappily. "We know, Lee. Looks like you've got your memory back," Stampy says happily.

        "Did you have to get it back so early in the morning? I was asleep," Squid mutters angrily, earning a punch in the shoulder from Amy. "Is Rosie awake?" I ask them. "No, she's not. We don't think she's gonna make it, Lee," Finnball answers sadly.

        "But I saw her breathe!" I argue. "We have too, but it's very faint," he replies. "Well, as long as it's there. We need to keep our hopes up," Amy responds, siding with me. I smile warmly at the mermaid and she sits down next to me, returning the gesture.

        "Saw who breathe?" someone coughs from behind me. I turn around to see...Rosie? She's awake! "Rosie!" Amy screams, tackling her in the bed. "Amy, that hurts," she says, her voice muffled from the excited mermaid on top of her. "Oh, sorry," she apologizes, releasing Rosie.

        "How're you feeling?" Stampy asks her. "Okay, I guess. My chest hurts, though," she answers. "Well, you were stabbed, so I'm not surprised," Squid tells her jokingly, earning another punch from Amy. "I was kidding," he says, pretending to be angry with her.

        "I'm hungry," Amy announces. "I am too," I agree. "Me too," Rosie says. "Soggy Sandwich?" Stampy suggests. "Yea!" we Squid and Amy say in unison, "Jinx! Jinx again!" We all laugh at their long argument of jinxes on the way to eat.


        After a really long time of jinxing Amy, I finally decide to give up. "I give up," we both say in unison. "Dang it!" we say together. The others go into fits of laughter at us. "I'm not going to say anything anymore," I say after. "Yes, It's over!" we say in sync. We glare at each other as Lee and Stampy fall on the floor laughing.

        We arrive at the soggy sandwich, and Fluffy is our waitress. I guess Stampy trained his dogs to work at stores. She seems to enjoy it, anyway. "Fish sandwich please," I order. "Same for me," Amy says. "Hey, isn't that cannibalism to order that? You guys are sea creatures," Lee says, just getting over his laughter. "Maybe it is," I reply, winking at him.

        Lee orders a pork sandwich as well as Finnball. Rosie and Ash order fish sandwiches and Stampy orders...a cake sandwich? Once Fluffy brings us the food Stampy digs into his sandwich without hesitation. "Stamps," I say in between bites, "you're gonna get sick." "So?" he asks, with cake in his mouth. We all burst into laughter once again.

        "We really needed this," Finnball says happily. Suddenly the door opens and Netty comes in with a duck. "Did I interrupt something?" she asks jokingly. "No," Lee says, "come on and sit with us." "Thanks Lee," she says. Netty orders a cake sandwich -must be a family trait- and her friend orders a fish sandwich. I wonder who she is...

        "This is my friend, Sqaishey," Netty says. "Hi Sqaishey!" we say. Well, all except Stampy, who's gaze is locked with hers. "Stampy!" Amy yells, waving her hand in front of his face. "Oh, uh, sorry. Hi Sqaishey," he says, a blush rising into his cheeks. "Hi," she answers shyly. "Looks like we've got a love story!" I joke. "Squid!" Stampy exclaims distractedly, his red cheeks getting darker. Sqaishey sits into a seat beside Stampy and they immediately start talking to each other. Stampy props his head up on his paw, looking mesmerized.

        "I think you may be right, Squid," Amy says excitedly, but neither of the two love birds register what she said.

I honestly didn't expect to have any "Sqampy" in this story, but who knows? I am making my chapters a lot longer, and I hope that's good. Chances are, you guys are reading this after Christmas, so next is New Year's! So many holidays, I can't keep up. Peace out Kitty Cats!

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