Chapter 20

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        Nicole and Stampy burst through the door, and Ash comes in after. Nicole runs over to me and hugs me, right where the sword was. "Nicole," I gasp. She realizes what she did and releases me. "Sorry, David..." she trails off when she sees me. "What happened, mate?" Stampy asks me. "According to Finnball, I turned into my human self, and there's a small chance I'll turn back," I answer. "You look cool," Nicole says, grinning. "Thanks," I smile. "I agree, you do look pretty cool. I wonder what my human self looks like," Stampy says. "This is my human self, I was never anything else," Nicole says. "Is that possible?" I ask Finnball. "Yea, it is. I was born my human self as well," he replies. "I'm still a cheese," Ash jokes.

        "Can we come in?" I hear Amy ask from the doorway. "Sure," I respond. Amy, Sqaishey, and Rosie come inside with concerned expressions on their faces. "Squid! What happened?" Rosie asks in shock. I grin at their faces. "I turned into my human self. Pretty cool, huh?" I explain. "Cool! Now we can be twins!" Amy exclaims. I raise my eyebrows in confusion. "What?" I ask. "I was born my human self, like Finnball, and..." she looks over at Nicole. "Nicole," she answers quickly. "Right," Amy says. "So those things that look like fins on your legs?" I ask. "Leggings," she replies simply. "What about your hair?" Ash asks. "Yes, it's really this pink," she mock-sighs.

        "What would I look like?" Sqaishey wonders out loud. "I'm sure you'd look just as amazing as you do now," Stampy says, kissing her cheek. Sqaishey blushes bright red. "Ooo! How long have you guys been a thing?" I ask in my cheeky girl voice. "About a month," Sqaishey says, smiling. "And you didn't tell me?!" Amy exclaims. "This isn't about us, it's about Squid," Stampy interrupts. "Nah, I'm fine. Can I leave now?" I ask no one in particular. "Why not," Finnball answers. I jump up from the bed, then clutch my chest in pain. "I guess I forgot about being stabbed," I joke. A groan escapes my mouth and I stumble a little.  Ash comes over to help me stay standing. "Maybe you should rest at home for a while. About two or three days," Finnball says. "Fiiiiine," I groan childishly.

        I lean on Ash's shoulder as he leads me home. "So, that's what Nicole looks like," Ash says. "Yea, that's her," I say. "She's cute. You should ask her out," he says. I look over at him and pause for a moment. "Maybe I will, but not while I'm still recovering," I say finally. "Why not?" he asks, "you don't have to go on a proper date until you're better, but you can still ask." I guess that'd work, but she'd have to say yes. "I guess I can ask," I reply. "She'll say yes for sure. But while we're on the topic of your future wife," I glare at him and he grins, "what was up with those powers?" I shrug. "Don't know. I didn't even know she had them," I say. "Weird."

        We come up to my house and walk inside. I smile when I see the ink sacs I put in item frames as decoration. I lay down on my bed and Ash sits down on a chair next to it. "You feeling better, buddy?" he asks me. "Yea, I feel pretty good. I just don't know if I can stay in bed that long," I laugh. "Alright, I'm gonna head home," he laughs. "Mkay, bye," (who gets that reference?) I say. He gets up and walks out of my bedroom. A few seconds later I hear the door open and close again.

        I look down at the bandage that is on my stomach from the sword. It's still a little bloody, but doesn't hurt much. I think it might need stitches. I flop back down on my fluffy pillow, and close my eyes.


        "Nicole, he's gonna be okay," I reassure her. I had no idea that Squid had met anyone else in Stampy's world. Why wouldn't he tell us about her? And why did Ash only know who she was. She sniffs loudly and looks at me. "I'm just worried about him. I know David'll be okay." So his name is David? When I met him he told me just to call him Squid. Now I know his real name. 

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