Chapter 11

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       I walked outside with Rosie to collect lovely jubblies, when I heard crying. "Hello? Who's upset?" Rosie called beside me. "Darling, it's okay. It's just Amy and Rosie," I say. I turn behind a bush to see...Ash? Why's he so upset? "Ashy-pants, what's wrong?" I ask him, kneeling down in front of him. "Sq-Squid's d-de-dead," he stutters between sobs. Dead? But how?

        "It's okay Ash," Rosie says reassuringly, sitting down next to me. "When did he die?" I whisper to Rosie. "Earlier. He tackled HTT off Stampy's balcony when he shot Finnball." I heard about Finnball, but not Squid. "Do you have death messages on, Amy?" she asks me. "Um..." I check my settings to see that they're off, "no." 

        Ash's crying subsides after a while, and he falls asleep. "Silly goose, he fell asleep in a bush!" I exclaim. "Should we leave him?" Rosie asks me hesitantly. "Yes. We'll let Finnball or Stampy know," I reply.

*Time skip*

        "Hey Finnball," Rosie says once we've found him," we found Ash outside while we were collecting lovely jubblies and he was upset He fell asleep against a bush." "Alright, thanks for letting me know. Stampy hasn't been feeling too good lately," he tells us. "We heard," I respond.

        "Why were you going out for lovely jubblies?" he asks us, sounding confused. "Because they're amazing!" I say, sounding day-dreamy, "why do you ask?" Finnball sighs and says, "They were removed from minecraft." "What?!" Rosie and I yell in unison. "Why?" I ask dejectedly. He shrugs and walks away.


        I walk away hearing Amy and Rosie fussing about lovely jubblies being removed. I chuckle to myself. Hearing them fuss like that reminds me of the old times, before HTT messed everything up. Wow, I sound really old.

        I decide to check on Stampy. After Squid's death he locked himself in Lee's room and hasn't come out since. It's been two days, which is really worrying me. I get my diamond pickaxe out and start mining the obsidian he placed.

        Once I break them I climb up the ladder. "Stampy? You okay?" No answer. "Stamps?" Nothing. Once I get up I see that he's...gone. The glitch blocks! Me, Stampy, Lee and Squid are the only people who know about them. Well, I wasn't supposed to find out but I overheard Lee telling Squid about them.

         I feel the wall until I find them and step through. Once I end up outside I look down and see paw prints heading straight towards...Hit The Target's castle. Oh no.


        "Squid? I thought you died, mate," I exclaim once HTT leaves. "I did die. But I spawned here, because this was the last place I slept. Either way, HTT said he was lying," he tells me. "What about when I brought you to my bed? Shouldn't you have spawned there?" I ask him, confused. "No, I fell asleep here, you brought me there later." Oh. "Anyway, Stamps, this isn't really the time for reunions," he tells me, "we need to figure out a way to get out of here."

        "Right," I say, embarrassed, "How about TPing?" I ask him. "Let's give it a go." I open up the setting and go to host privileges and select teleport. I scroll to Finnball's name when I hear a loud 'bang!' I close the settings to see the door flung open and...Lee?

        "Don't even try to escape," Lee says calmly. Suddenly he grabs Squid and puts him in a headlock. "Great, this again," I hear Squid mutter. Lee's grip tightens on his neck. "Sorry!" he gasps.

        "Lee, you wouldn't kill him. You're our friend. Remember?" I ask him, trying to jog his memory. He looks straight into my eyes and says firmly, "You've never been my friend." He pulls his arm back and all the color drains from Squid's face.

        He collapses in a heap on the ground. I look at his chest to see if he's breathing stops rising. " He won't respawn this time. Now leave me alone," Lee growls, slamming the door shut.

Hey Kitty Cats! I hope this chapter wasn't too emotional. And it's true about the lovely jubblies, they were removed from the game. And replaced with *scoffs* poppys. Anyway, I probably won't update until after Christmas, but I'll try. If I do, it'll be before 2:30 p.m. on Christmas Eve. If I don't, it'll be most likely the day after. And again, if I don't, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukka, or Happy Kwanzaa, whatever you celebrate. Peace out!

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