Chapter 23

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        As soon as the meeting was over we all rushed to get our armor. I went down to Stampy's secret base with Amy. He built a small room that was hidden behind the clone machine containing tons and tons of enchanted diamond armor. It was so secretive that he didn't even tell his viewers about it.

         But the viewers was something that I never understood. Stampy would always record videos of the lovely world for the next generation of people living here to remember, but as soon as we finished recording them they would randomly disappear from the computer that Lee had built using redstone. After a few hours we'd get random signs in the world from people we didn't even know. Like you'd just be walking down the road and suddenly a sign would pop up in front of you saying what they thought of the Lovely World, of Stampy, of other people that live here, and of the videos that Stampy recorded. We never knew who these people were so we just called them the viewers. Eventually we just started making them for fun and entertainment for the viewers.

        Same with the term 'the game'. The viewers would leave signs or 'comments', as they called them, about how fun this game was and how much they loved watching us play. We still don't get it, but we just went along with it. And they are constantly asking us why we aren't uploading videos to the 'Magic Animal Club', which we all honestly have no clue what it is, so we just ignore them.

        Me and Amy opened a chest each and looked through the armor for what we needed battle Hit The Target. I looked through the chest spotting lots and lots of enchanted armor, but none that I needed. Then I came across one with Protection IV (four), Fire Protection IV, Feather Falling on the boots, Aqua Affinity on the helmet, and Thorns IIV (three). Perfect. I quickly put on the armor and decided to stick with my normal diamond sword since it wasn't close to breaking at all.

        Amy came back from changing wearing all her armor and holding a Lovely Jubbly. "I thought they took those out of the game," I say. "They did, then I was complaining to Sqaishey about it and an entire batch appeared with a sign saying, 'I let them know that you were upset, then they put them back in the game.' So now I've been finding them everywhere!" she explains happily. "Who are 'they'?" I ask her. She shrugs and I notice that the flower is glowing.

         "Did you enchant your flower?" I ask her jokingly. "Hippie Power!" she cries, then slaps me with it. I go flying backwards and slam against the wall and immediately flash red. "Do you love it?" she asks me with a grin. "Sorta. Amy, you need to be more careful what you do with flowers," I complain while rubbing the back of my sore head. "Sorry, I just did knock back. I didn't know it'd be that powerful," she apologizes. "It's fine, lets just get back to everyone else," I say.

        We sprint back to the clubhouse to see everyone kitted up in enchanted diamond armor-even Stampy, who almost never takes off his iron boots- and holding swords- except for Amy-. "Amy, you do have a sword, right?" Stampy asks her apprehensively. "Yea, I do," she replies, pulling out an enchanted diamond sword. "Alrighty then, lets do this," Sqaishey says.


        I head up to my room to change into my emergency armor. I reach under my bed and open the chest containing all my emergency supplies, including an overly-enchanted bow, an overly-enchanted sword, and overly-enchanted diamond armor. I know it seems like a lot, but we have no idea what we're dealing with. He took Squid, Nicole, Ash, sister. My only sister...he could be torturing her right now! He could be doing anything to her! He could've freaking killed her, and I'd have no idea!

        I sit on my bed and put my head in my paws, my body wracked with sobs. I hear the door to my bedroom open and close, before someone sits next to me and rubs my back. I look up to see Sqaishey smiling at me with tears in her eyes. "H-hey, Sqaish," I stutter, sitting back up. "Netty, isn't it?" she asks me. I nod weakly then burst into tears once again. "It's okay, Stampy. Don't worry. She's going to be fine, just like everyone else, trust me," she whispers comfortingly. "Th-thanks, Sqaish-shey," I say as I get over my tears. "Are you sure you want to go now?" she asks me. "Yea, I'm sure," I sigh, standing up.

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