Chapter 15

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        "Lee!" I scream in terror as he falls to the ground, his sword in his chest. "He was going to kill you," Hit The Target says. Wait...what? Kill me? "What do you mean?" I ask him. "Simple. I threatened him that if he didn't kill you, I'd kill all his friends, including you," HTT says. Lee died...for me. But...why?

        Finnball flings the door open to my room along with Ash. "Get out!" he screams at HTT. "Okay, but I have one more thing to do," he says calmly. He slowly pulls out a bow and aims it at me. "No chance," Ash growls. He lunges at him but he releases the arrow and it hits me straight in the heart. I see Amy in the doorway, followed by a loud scream, before darkness.


         "Now, I'll go," Hit The Target says, taking one last look at Lee and Stampy. He ender pearls away and me, Ash, and Amy rush over to them. Both are flashing red unusually fast, and their chests are barely rising and falling. Considering Stampy has an arrow in his chest, it most likely hurts him to breathe.

         "Anyone have healing potions!" a familiar voice says from behind me. I turn around and see...Squid?! "Later," he says, seeing the surprised looks on everyone's faces. Amy tosses him some splash potions of healing and he smashes them next to Lee and Stampy. "Crap, it's not working," he mutters angrily. He slams some more down, but then Lee's chest stops rising.

        L for Leeeeee x was stabbed by HitTheTarget.

        Oddly enough, he doesn't disappear, and his stuff isn't flung everywhere. He just lays there, oozing blood from the sword. Stampy suddenly shoots up from his bed with a horrified look on his face. "Stampy?" I ask nervously. He shows no sign he heard what I said and keeps staring into the distance. "Stampy!" Ash says louder. Still nothing. "Stampy!" Amy yells. "Is he okay?" she asks Squid. "He'll be fine, he's just a little traumatized," he replies. Suddenly Stampy jumps out of his bed and pounces on Squid. He starts punching him with all his might screaming, "You killed Lee!" Me and Amy pull Stampy off Squid and hold him back. Ash helps Squid up while Stampy growls at him. "What the hell, Stamps!" Squid exclaims angrily. Stampy's face softens a little before his eyes glaze over and he falls out of our grasp to the ground... just like Squid.

        "What in the world just happened?" Squid murmurs. "Squid, that's exactly what happened to you after HTT attacked," I say nervously. "Seriously?" Squid asks, his eyes wide in shock. I nod my head. "In that case, we should probably bring him to the Caring Cat," Amy says. Me and Ash lift Stampy up carefully. "Man, he's heavy," Ash grunts. "Too many cakes," I laugh lightly. Everyone else laughs at my joke as well, but it's forced. We're all very nervous about what's going on.

        We arrive at the hospital quickly and lay Stampy down on the bed in the therapy room. Ash leaves and I see Squid walk in with a sorrowful look on his face. "Squid, how'd you wake up?" I ask him carefully. He looks over at me with a blank expression on his face. "I just did. And I remember something before I passed out," he says to me. "What?" I ask curiously. "HTT told me that someone would kill Stampy," he says quietly. "Kill him! But who?" I yell. "No idea, mate. Anyway, we can't leave that arrow in him forever," Squid says. "Right." Squid runs over to a chest and pulls out a handful of bandages.

         "Here goes nothing," I say. I wrap my hand around the end of the arrow and yank it out. Immediately blood starts pouring out from the hole. Squid wraps the bandages around Stampy's chest, but the red liquid seeps through. I quickly run to get more band aids and wrap them around him once again. This time it stops the blood from coming out. "Wow," Squid breathes. "Let's go, it's getting late," Squid says. I look outside and see that googlies are already spawning. "Yea, let's," I agree.


        I head down to the doghouse and go into my house. Stampy had a tournament to see who'd win the room in his house I originally lived in, and Amy won. Then he had another, and he won, so he gave it to Henry and Hilda to share. So I built my new house attached to the doghouse. I flop down on my bed and stare at the ceiling. I can't believe one of my best friends is dead, and the other is close to the same fate. And all because of Hit The Target. I don't understand how anyone could possibly be this cruel. I keep thinking about Lee and Stampy when my eyes close...

        I see Lee raise his sword and bring it down towards Stampy. I scream to stop him but no sound comes out, and when I try to move nothing happens. "You're dreaming, you can't interfere," a familiar voice says to me. I look next to me and see...Lee?! "Lee! You're alive!" I exclaim in excitement. "I'm not, I'm just a fragment of your dream," he says sadly. "Oh." I turn back to my dream to see Lee stop right before the sword hits Stampy. Hit The Target's large grin turns into an angered frown. He screams at Lee and Lee screams back. HTT takes the sword from Lee and brings it upward to stab Stampy. Lee yells and jumps in front of Stampy, and HTT stabs him. "Is this what happened?" I ask Lee. He nods his head. "Yes, and HTT tried to make me kill Stampy. He threatened to kill all of you if I didn't, but I couldn't bring myself to do it," Lee answers. "You did the right thing," I tell him. Suddenly he begins to fade from my gaze. "I'll see you soon, Squid," he says, right before he disappears.

        "Squid?" someone asks nervously. I try to open my eyes but can't. I clench my fist and feel someone's hand in mine. I squeeze harder and the person's grip tightens. "Guys, I think he's trying to wake up!" I hear, I think Amy, say excitedly. My  eyes snap open and I sit up. I'm in a very bright room on a bed. I look around to see Finnball, Ash, Rosie, and Amy.  "What the hell happened?" I ask tiredly. "You're awake!" Amy yells, giving me a hug. "Yea, I am. But I just went to sleep in my house, why were you so worried?" I ask. "Squid, you've been out for three weeks," Ash answers. Three weeks?! "What?" I ask loudly. "Yep, three," Finnball says. "Is Stampy awake yet?" I ask cautiously. "No," Rosie says dejectedly. "You need anything?" Finnball asks, changing the subject. I'm about to say no when my stomach rumbles loudly. "I guess that's a yes," he laughs.

 So, ten cramped fingers and one massive headache later, this happened! Hopefully this chapter is good, and I just realized how long this was. Wow. Anyways, Peace out, Kitty Cats!

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