Chapter 21

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        "What...time is it?" I yawn, stretching my arms. I look around the cluttered living room to see Finnball sprawled on the ground, snoring loudly, his hand in a bowl of popcorn. Sqaishey is laying on Rosie's lap, who somehow fell asleep sitting up. "Ten something," Rosie sighs as she wakes up. "Morning, guys," Finnball says. He brings his hand up to rub his face, but instead slaps the popcorn he had in his hand on his face. Me and Rosie burst out laughing, waking a confused and angry Sqaishey up. "What was that for?" she asks, annoyed. "Those two thought it'd be funny not to take my hand out of the popcorn when I fell asleep," Finnball answers. "Sorry!" Rosie laughs.

        "Wait a minute, where's Nicole?" Sqaishey asks. We all look around, but still can't see her. "I'll check outside and in the kitchen, you guys check in the other rooms," Rosie says, taking charge. "Okay," I agree. I head into my bedroom, but she isn't there. I start looking around for a note or something to see if she'd left. "Guys, in here!" Rosie calls from the kitchen. Sqaishey comes out of the spare bedroom, and Finnball comes out of the bathroom. "Finnball, why were you in the bathroom?" Sqaishey asks him. "Sqaishey, you know what people do in a bathroom," he jokes. Sqaishey rolls her eyes and we go into the kitchen.

        "I found a note," Rosie says as we go into the kitchen. "What's it say?" I ask her. She hands me the small paper and it says,

Went to visit David, be back soon


        "Then we don't have anything to worry about," Sqaishey says as she finishes reading it over my shoulder. "I think we might, cause look what else I found," Rosie says. She leads us into the garden and right over one of my purple flowers is an arrow in an item frame; HTT's calling card.


        I decided to go visit Squid, since Sqaishey was at another sleepover with Amy, Rosie, Nicole, and Finnball. I don't understand why whenever the girls have a sleepover, Finnball ends up going. And why whenever me, Squid and him watch a movie, he suggests tons and tons of chick-flicks. But I'm happy that Nicole decided to go to the sleepover, hopefully she'll become friends with every one quickly.

        I reach for my iron boots when I hear a voice. "Hey, Stampy!" Lee says in my head. "Hey, Lee! How is...wherever you are?" I ask, not knowing exactly where he is. "You already know, (I'm in the fast lane, from L.A to Tokyo!) I'm basically just a ghost in this world." he says. "So, you can see everything that everyone does?" I clarify as I pull my boots onto my back paws. "Yea, except I make a point not to look in on you while you're in the loo," he jokes.

        "Yea, yea. Anyway, is Squid up? I was going to go-" I ask but he interrupts me. "Visit him? And yea, he's up. I'm not sure you'll wanna visit him, though. " Lee says. "Why?" I ask him nervously. "Stampy, I can't tell you!" he sighs. "Oh, yea. I think I'm still gonna check on him, though,"  I decide. "Okay then. See you soon," he says. Why does he always say "See you soon' instead of 'talk to you later' or something? He's already dead, and not respawning. Maybe he just misspoke.

        I head up into Lee's room, deciding to take the glitch blocks instead of walking all through my house. When I see is lone double chest and bed, I feel a tear run down my cheek. No Stampy! I quickly wipe it away and feel the wall for the glitch blocks. I can talk to Lee anyway, while other people can't, so I shouldn't feel bad. But it's not the same as seeing him in person, having his homemade cakes every morning, playing and building mini games with him...

        When I can't see my hand anymore, I walk through and end up right outside my house. I walk to the doghouse and turn to Squid's house. I still feel a bit bad about him moving into the doghouse, but I shake the thought away. I knock lightly on the wooden door. "Squid?" I call out after a moment. I knock on the door again, but this time a bit harder. "Squid?" I call out louder. Silence. Maybe he's just not home, I think hopefully. I decide to open the door and make sure. I look around his large house, still yelling his name. No answer. I go into his bedroom and see on a bedside table a little piece of paper with some writing on it.

Went to visit Nicole


        How did he know I'd check? Eh, doesn't really matter, I guess. I know he's okay, at least. Finnball told him to stay in bed for a few days, but Squid could never be that patient, and I think Finnball knows that as well. I place the note back down but as I turn to leave, I notice something out of the corner of my eye. In one of the item frames that he put ink sacs in, there isn't one. Instead, it's an arrow.

         Hit The Target.

        I turn back around and snatch the note up from the table and rush outside. The sun is going down at an alarming rate, and in the distance I can hear people desperately screaming my name. What did HTT do?


        After a bit of a panic attack from Sqaishey, we all decided to find Stampy and tell him what happened. We all thought that he ought to know what to do, or at least know what had happened to Nicole. She was a newcomer after all, and Stampy always tries to make newcomers as comfortable as possible at their new home. If they choose to stay, of course. 

        "Guys," I hear Rosie yell nervously. We slow our steps to a walk and then stop and look over at her. "What is it, darling?" I ask her. She points forward, and we all turn our heads to see the sun going down at an extremely rapid pace, as well as a silhouette of Stampy's house. "What the..." Finnball says in awe. "There's someone there!" Sqaishey exclaims over the howling wind. I squint my eyes to see another silhouette, this time of a person. But I recognize them...

        "It's Stampy!" I yell over the wind so everyone can hear. "Stampy!" Finnball calls desperately. We all join him. "Stampy! Stampy!" I scream. I break into a mad dash towards him, still calling his name loudly. I check behind me to see that Rosie, Sqaishey, and Finnball are all trailing not to far behind me, also screaming for Stampy. We get into view of him to see a puzzled look on his face as he looks around frantically, trying to figure out who's calling him. His head whips around towards us and he starts sprinting at us.

         "Guys," he says breathlessly when we catch up with each other. "Squid's gone," "Nicole's gone," we say in unison. Wait, Squid's gone too? I look at Stampy to see my same confusion reflected on his face. "We gotta find them," he announces after a moment. "We'll form a plan in the clubhouse. Follow me." With that he whips around and runs towards the door to his house, me, Rosie, Finnball, and Sqaishey trailing behind.

Okay, author's note now. So, as you can tell, I haven't updated in four days. And that's because I've been beyond stressed with school, especially math, as you can tell by my extra book. And I won't be updating anything tomorrow or Wednesday, because I'm having surgery on Wednesday. So I'll try and update Thursday or Friday. Until then, wish me luck, and peace out!

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