Chapter 3

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        I know I've only been taken away and trapped for a day, but it feels like an eternity. I pull a lovely jubbly out of my pocket and cry. I clutch it hard in my  hands. No, I can't let myself cry or feel sad. They'll come rescue me. I know it. But what Hit The Target said still worries me. I don't want Stampy to be killed while trying to save me. I'm not worth it. But I know Stampy. He'll risk his life and most likely be killed while trying to save me.

        HTT walks into the prison. He looks at me and smiles. "How are you?" he asks. "Well, other than being kidnapped by YOU and being taken from my friends, I'm pretty good," I answer evenly. His grin turns into a frown and he slaps me.  "I'm sorry to hear that," he finishes with a kick in my leg and another slap. It hurt so much... I need help. He leaves the cell once again.


        I'm so worried about Amy. No matter what I do to try and take my mind off her, I still feel like I caused all this. Stampy keeps telling me it's not my fault, but I don't believe him. I always nod so he thinks I believe it. Suddenly I hear one of my windows smash. There's a note attached to a brick among the broken glass. I reach down and pull off the note. It reads:


I know that you feel like you caused Amy to be kidnapped. I'll give you a chance to get the guilt off your chest. Come to my fortress tonight and take Amy's place. I will keep you here until your friends come to rescue you. Then we'll see what happens...


I have to do it. I can't take this guilt anymore. Stampy, please forgive me.


        I'm lying face up sprawled across my bed. I think my plan will work. I thought about it over and over again. It has to work. Even if I... My dreadful thoughts are interrupted when Lee bursts into the room screaming. "Lee, what's wrong?" He stares at me with pure helplessness and terror in his eyes. "Squid's gone,"

Boom! Yup, cliffhanger. Will try and update again soon, but I'm working on two stories and I'm very busy. Hopefully you're enjoying. Peace out Kitty Cats!

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