Chapter 12

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        Before I left to follow Stampy's trail, I went and got Rosie and Amy, who got Ash. I told them what was up and Amy literally burst into tears on the spot. "How could he just...leave?" she sniffed, "what...are we...gonna do?" "It's okay, Amy," I say reassuringly, rubbing her back, "we're going to use the same plan Stampy came up with to help you." She looks at me, her eyes so full of hope and sorrow, I'm surprised I didn't burst into tears as well.

        "Alright, Ash, you and Amy gonna go find Lee and Stampy," he nods at me and Amy attempts a smile. "Hippie power activate!" she yells, jumping into the air with a lovely jubbly in hand. We all laugh at Amy's classic childish behavior.

        "Me and Rosie are going to distract HTT," I tell them when I regain my composure. Rosie lashes her iron sword and grins. "Once you guys find them, " I say, looking over at Amy and Ash, "take them to the tree train and get back as fast as possible. Rosie, you follow after a while, and I'll come soon as well. Got it?"


        "You  know it!"

        "Lets go!"

        "Alright then," I say after the yells subside, "lets do this!"


        "Squid! Squid, please don't be dead! Squid!" I wail in panic. Tears start streaming down my face at an alarming rate. "S-Stamps?" he coughs after a moment. "Squid? Oh gosh, are you okay?" "You tell me, mate. I almost suffocated. Definitely not the best feeling in the world," he replies." "Well, if you're joking, then you're fine," I say as I help him up.

        He grins up at me and pulls me into a hug. I blink in surprise before hugging him back. "Squid, you're gonna suffocate me," I gasp. "Oh, sorry mate," he apologizes, releasing me. "What was that for anyway?" I ask him. "Well, considering I almost died...I don't need to say anymore," he answers. He's right, there's nothing else to say.

        Suddenly, I hear a lot of screams, and the clash of swords. With one glance at Squid I can tell we're both thinking the same thing; Finnball, Amy, Rosie, and Ash. Without a moments hesitation we start banging on the door and yelling. It's flung open and we fall into a heap right in front of Amy and Ash. "Squid! You're alive!" Amy screams in delight. "Yea, I am. Mind helping us up?" he responds with a smile.

        They help us to our feet and I brush off my iron boots. "So, what, no 'Oh Stampy! You're alive too!'" I say, mimicking Amy's voice. She punches me in the arm playfully and says, "Oh Stampy, you're alive too!" "That's better," I laugh. "Anyway," Ash says, "we've gotta get you guys out. Where's Lee?" Me and Squid look at each other for a moment. "I'm right here," a voice growls from behind us.

        Lee stands there, holding a diamond sword to a terrified Finnball's neck. "Why does it always come to this?" I hear Squid mutter under his breath. "Go back in there, all of you, or your friend dies." Amy screams in terror just as Rosie shows up behind Lee.

        She quickly grabs the arm with the sword in it and twists it behind Lee's back. Finnball drops to the ground, panting, and Ash runs up to him and sits down. "This, is called Girl Power," Rosie says triumphantly.

        "Not for long," I hear another voice. Suddenly Lee gets out of Rosie's grasp and she falls to the floor, blood oozing out of her stomach. Hit The Target stands behind her, a bloodied diamond sword in his hand, a wide grin spread across his face. "No!" Amy screeches and kneels down next to Rosie. "It's...okay, Amy. I'll be fine," she coughs. "I'm sorry, Rosie," Amy chokes out between tears.

        She stands up holding Rosie's sword, and turns to HTT. She screams, so loud I probably lost hearing in at least one ear, "I HATE YOU!" and plunges it straight into his heart. His eyes glaze over and he falls to the ground. Amy goes into a fit of sobs. I glance over and see that Lee is staring straight at me. His eyes start to get their color back, when he falls to the ground.


        Well, that happened. I pick up Lee's body and Finnball picks up Rosie. We patched up her stomach hoping that that would be enough for her to live. We carry them back to Stampy's room and Ash quickly brings in another bed. We had all agreed that we'd keep them in Stampy's room, so when they wake up, everyone will know.

        I place Lee's body in the extra bed that Ash brought in, and notice that he's shivering slightly. That's a good sign, he must be alive, just barely. I can't even imagine what he's feeling now, being possessed and all. At least that's what we all assumed-and hoped- happened.

        Finnball gently lays Rosie down, walks away. "Squid? You okay?" I hear Ash ask from behind me. I immediately flip around and hug him hard (that's a lot of alliteration). I let go of him after a moment and blush uncontrollably. "It's okay, mate. You've been through a lot, with dying and almost dying again," he replies reassuringly. "Thanks. And I'm okay, I guess. Did you miss me?" I ask him. "You have no idea," he replies with a smile.

        I hear a loud groan behind me. Ash gasps and when I turn around I see...Lee, sitting up in the bed, coughing his lungs out. I sit by him and pat his back until the coughing clears. He looks over at me and smiles weakly. "Hey, Squid. What the heck happened?" he asks me, exasperated. I look over at Ash and he looks at me. Great. "Umm," I say, my voice trailing off. "What, is it something bad? Did I cause it?" he asks me, sounding somewhat afraid. "It's not your fault, Lee. Hit The Target kidnapped you after I came to take Amy's place from being kidnapped-" "Wait, HTT kidnapped Amy?" he asks me, sounding very confused. Uh oh. Does he have...amnesia?

        "Lee, what do you last remember?" Ash asks him firmly. "Um, we had just finished recording a Lovely World video and Amy was chasing Squid for some reason." I feel a pang of sadness at the mention of Amy chasing me. If I hadn't punched her, none of this would've happened. "I don't remember anything else from that," he finishes.

        "Lee, you have amnesia of the last two weeks, but since it's such a small period of time, you'll probably remember within the next few days," Ash says. "How do you know all this?" I ask him suspiciously. He smiles at me, shrugs and walks away.

Yup Squid, that happened. Anyway, I told you guys that I'd update before Christmas. I'm already working on the next chapter. Hopefully you're having a good time. This chapter is a lot longer than my normal ones, so let me know if you want them long. Hey I have an idea, tell me in the comments what you want for Christmas, if that's what you celebrate. What are you guys doing for the holidays? Peace out, Kitty Cats!

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