Chapter 26

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        I didn't mean to sound so angry at them, especially since Ash, Squid, Nicole, and Netty had all just been unfrozen, but when Justin (it feels so weird not writing Hit The Target XD) told me what happened to Dad when I left, it crushed me. I thought Herobrine was just a legend, but to find out that he's my father...

        "Stampy? You need to calm down," Sqaishey tells me, snapping me out of my thoughts. I look over at her to see a worried look on her face. "I'm sorry, Sqaishey. It's just...Justin told me something that I never expected," I explain to her. She gives me a confused look. "Who's Justin?" she asks. " brother," I say, a little worried about what she'll think. "Is your brother...Hit The Target?" she gasps. I nod solemnly and she gasps once again.

        "So...I know your real name is Joseph Garret, not Stampy Cat. So his real name is...Justin Garret?" she asks again. "Yep," I answer. "And if we end up getting married, I'd be related to Hi- sorry, Justin," she says to herself. "And Netty is also related to him!" "I actually never thought about it that way, but yea," I reply. Jeez, she's right. If we get married, she'd be related to my brother. And Netty. And my father...

        "Hey, Stamps!" Squid calls. "What, Squid Nugget?" I ask, looking over at him and Nicole. "We're back!" he says in a singsong voice, causing Nicole and Sqaishey to start laughing. "Back where?" I ask, confused. "Your house," he answers, sounding surprised, "where else?" "Oh, right," I say quickly, my face hot with embarrassment. I turn back to see my house looming ahead of us. "Race ya!" Sqaishey laughs, then starts sprinting to my house. "Hey!" I yell, and start running.

        By the time we get to my house, we're all out of breath. Ash, Finnball, Squid, Nicole, Rosie, and Netty decided to join in when they heard Sqaishey challenge me. "," Squid pants. "Yea, yea, yea," Ash groans. We go inside and I flop down on my bed while Finnball checked Ash to see if he really got hypothermia.

        "Hey, Kittycake," Sqaishey says as she comes into my room. "Hey, Little Ducky," I answer, using her nickname as well. "Bad news, Ash actually got hypothermia. Finnball told him to stay in bed and constantly have hot chocolate, which he's very happy about," she tells me. "That's not good, but he loves hot chocolate, so I'm sure he'd be happy," I laugh. Then I remember what we were talking about earlier.

        "Sqaishey, I need to talk to you," I say as I sit up from my bed. She sits down next to me and looks at me with a concerned look on her face. "What is it?" she asks worriedly. "We...we need to break up," I say. I see tears form in her eyes and I reach out to hug her, but she pushes me away. "No, I get it. The last boyfriend I had did the same thing; broke up with me out of nowhere," she cries. She gets up and walks towards the door. I quickly follow and grab her arm. "Sqaishey, I-" "Save it, I know what you're gonna say, 'it's not you, it's me,'" she says, smacking my paw away.

        Great. Just great.


        I hear crying come from Stampy's room and rush to see what happened. Sqaishey comes running out of his room, sobbing her eyes out, while Stampy stares helplessly at her. "Mate, what happened? She looks like she just saw a baby duck die!" I exclaim when I go into Stampy's room.

        "We broke up," he says hoarsely, flopping down on his bed. "What happened? You two are perfect for each other," I ask, exasperated. "After I talked to Justin, he told me something horrible that happened after I left home," he tells me. Oh yea, I forgot that HTT was Stampy's brother. He only told me and Lee because he didn't want anyone else to know. "What did he tell you?" I ask gently.

        "I...I can't say, Squid," he stutters. "Not even to me? Your best friend?" I ask him, my voice rising in anger. "We tell each other everything! I even told you about Nicole, and about my brother!" I yell. He jumps up from his bed and glares at me. Then his look softens a bit. "I don't want you to be in danger, like I am now," he says softly, "You're right; you are my best friend. And I'm not putting you in any more danger." With that she shoves me out of the room and slams the door in my face.

        "Ya know, he had a good reason not to tell you," a voice says to me. "Lee?" I ask. "Why aren't you used to me talking in your head anymore? I can't see you in person, anyways," he says. "What do you mean, in person?" I ask apprehensively. "Well, I guess I'd better tell you.

        "Stampy's Lovely World...isn't real, Squid. It's all part of a game called Minecraft. There's a different world, called Earth, which we all live in for real. Me, you, Stampy, Amy, Netty, Rosie, Nicole, Finnball, Ash, and Sqaishey all went into a coma for about two years due to a massive plane crash, but we still made videos. Don't even ask how it's possible, we some how did it within the game. The videos go to this thing called YouTube, a website that you can upload videos to.  And the 'viewers' are actually Stampy's subscribers, the people who watch his videos. When they comment on a video, it appears on a sign in Stampy's world. And that's why Stampy has his Love Garden, to put certain people who watch him's names in it. The way I can talk to you and Stampy is by visiting you in the hospital, and just speaking to your bodies. I know, it's really weird, but I need to tell you something else that's really important. When you turned into your human self, you got one step closer to waking up from your coma. You occasionally move now."

        I stand there for a moment, in awe of what Lee just told me. "Are...are you serious?" I ask him. "Completely, but I did leave something out," he says. "Tell me," I say firmly. "Fine, but you can't tell Stampy," he says. "I make no promises." "Fine," he agrees.

        "What Stampy didn't want to tell you, was that when he 'left home'- he actually went into a coma -was that his dad became Herobrine. Which isn't entirely true," Lee tells me. "Why? What's the truth?" I ask him.

        "Well, when Stampy and Netty went into a coma, their father went into depression, then slowly went insane. He stopped doing everything, but he learned to play Minecraft, since it's Stampy and Netty's favorite game. But he didn't do good things. He created a skin of a normal Steve, but with white eyes, and he would terrorize people's worlds, asking if they'd seen Netty and/or Stampy. Justin came into this later. He got upset that his father was so upset, because he loved, and still loves, Netty and Stampy. He tried to commit suicide because he had given up hope that they would wake up. He failed, and also ended up in a coma. And he thought that he could find Stampy and Netty. And by the way, I honestly have no idea why we all ended up in Minecraft when we went into a coma," he explains.

        "Damn, that's crazy," I say. "Yep, it really is," he agrees. "How do you know all this?" I ask him. "I did some research into their past when I woke up," he says. "Well that's not creepy," I joke. "Hey!" he complains. "Sorry," I apologize. "But it still is creepy," I add in quietly. "I've got to go. You can't tell anyone about this," he tells me. "I might tell someone," I say to him. "Ugh, I guess I can't stop you, can I?" "Nope!" I laugh. 

        I know what I'm going to do now. I'm gonna wake up from my coma. And I know exactly how.

Okay I am literally being messaged that I need to update. So here it is, after working on it yesterday during school and having a massive explosion of ideas, what I've been leading up to. I bet what Lee told Squid blew your minds!! But this is it, peace out!

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