Chapter 16

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        After we got food we headed to the Funland to play some mini games. Finnball said it'd take our minds off things and we all thought we needed a break. "What game do you guys wanna play?" he asks us. "Raindrops!" Amy squealed. "Yea, let's do that one!" Sqaishey agreed. I honestly was really worried about how Sqaishey was taking Stampy being in a coma for almost a month. She hasn't been around much considering she had to leave to do more Feather Adventures when he was shot and Lee died. When I told her what was up she just stared at me and then ran away. I couldn't find her for a while, but then she showed up to visit Stampy and came to eat with us.

        We all grabbed boats out of the chest, when I remembered that both me and Ash were afraid of heights. "Wait a minute, there aren't enough boats for everyone. We're one short," I say, trying to change their minds. "Well then, you and Ash'll have to share one," Finnball laughs. Before I can object, they all take their own boats leaving me and Ash with one. "Fiiiinneee!" Ash whines. Amy and Rosie went first, then me and Ash, then Finnball and Sqaishey. "WEEE!!!" I heard Amy and Rosie scream as they flew toward the pot of gold.

        "Hang ONNN!" I scream as we fell after Amy. I quickly grab Ash's hand and grasp it tightly. "Don't let go!" I scream. "I won't!" Ash yells over the wind. We land in the water with a loud splash, still holding hands. "Looks like we made the right decision," Amy and Rosie laugh. Me and Ash quickly pull our hands away and my face goes bright red. " WATCH OUT!!!" I hear Finnball and Sqaishey scream. Ash and I scramble out of the way as they land in the pot of gold, splashing everyone. "Hey, you silly goose!" Amy exclaims, "You got my hair wet!" "Sorry Amy," Finnball apologizes. "Let's go again!" Sqaishey squeals. How could she possibly want to do that again? Seeing the look on my face, she decides otherwise.

        "What next?" I ask, drying myself off. "Bury Berry?" Ash suggests. "Yea!" Rosie and Amy say. We walk over to the game. "Boys against girls!" Amy says. "We got this. You're going down!" I say with a grin. Me, Ash, and Finnball walk into the blue side while Amy, Rosie, and Sqaishey go on the red one. We randomly start placing the 'berries' down when I hear a note block. "Five seconds!" I exclaim. We quickly bury the rest and head back to the entrance. "Three, two, one, GO!" Finnball yells. We run into the girls side and randomly start digging. "One more!" Ash yells to us.

        Suddenly Rosie, Sqaishey, and Amy walk in with wide smiles on their faces. "Done!" Sqaishey yells in excitement. "Where is it!" I ask. Amy leads me over to a dug up spot in the ground where we found a 'berry' and digs right next to it. I glare at her. "Don't be mad at me, it was Sqaishey's idea!" Amy says when she sees my face. I turn around to see Sqaishey giggling in the doorway. I run after her and she sprints away. I quickly catch up with her and tackle her to the ground in the grass. I can hear Ash and Finnball complaining about the block in the distance.

        I look down and see Sqaishey staring up at me. Before I know it I lean in and kiss her. She kisses me back and it's just...wait a minute! I'm kissing Stampy's girlfriend! My eyes go wide in surprise and we pull away. "Sqaishey, I-I'm sorry I don't know what happened..." I attempt to apologize. "Squid, it's fine. Just don't tell anyone," she says. I quickly nod and help her up. We go back to the game to see Finnball and Rosie still arguing.

        "Wow, I can't believe you're still debating this," I tease. "Let's play another game!" Amy says. "No thanks, Amy. I'm pretty tired, I'm gonna go home," Sqaishey says. "Alright, we'll walk you," Amy and Rosie offer. She smiles and they head in the direction of Sqaishey's. "Look, I've gotta go handle something. I'll see you guys later," I say quickly. "Okay," Finnball smiles before heading to his house. Ash stays. "Ash, I've gotta g-" I say before he interrupts me. "I saw you and Sqaishey just now," he murmurs. Oh no. "Ash please don't tell anyone!" I beg him. "I won't. Let's just go home. And Squid?" he asks. "What?" "Did you really have anything to handle?" he asks me. "No," I grin and we head home.

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