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It had been a little over a week since their last memorable study session. Jaebum had gotten a bit busy with tests so they couldn't schedule another study session for a while, one of those tests including a biology test that both him and Jinyoung had actually passed. It was the first good grade Jinyoung had gotten in a while, all thanks to his tutor.

He wanted to thank Jaebum in some way, but was unsure how. If it weren't for him, Jinyoung might have had to just drop the class and spend more money to take yet another science to fill his required credits.

Luckily, Jaebum wasn't as busy the next week, and he invited Jinyoung over again for yet another study session to go over the new topics that had been discussed in class. He wanted to make sure that they kept their grades up for the remainder of the semester, so study sessions might be a bit more frequent.

Jinyoung wondered if the increase in studying had anything to do with the change in their relationship; and he wondered if Jaebum really wanted to study more, or if he actually wanted to just be alone together as much as possible.

Jinyoung wouldn't complain at either reason, he was just as whipped for Jaebum as the elder was for him; he was just curious sometimes of what was going through the elder's head since Jaebum was slightly difficult to read.

He assumed he'd figure it out once he got to the elder's dorm, so of course he got himself freshened up slightly before their scheduled visit. He'd been quite focused on his appearance recently, especially on the days he'd see Jaebum. He made sure to wear similar hoodies to the one Jaebum complimented him on last time, even going as far as ordering a few new ones that he thought would multiply his cuteness by at least double. He'd only find out if it worked once Jaebum saw him.

He rushed out of his dorm, probably way too excited to be spending some alone time with Jaebum who he wasn't even in an established relationship with yet. Sure they kissed once and made childish eye contact with one another across the classroom, but their relationship hadn't been established yet, so Jinyoung had no idea what they even were.

He decided to just treat this as another regular study session and not think about Jaebum's lips against his own. Or those hands on his body. Or the heat and softness of his skin-

Yeah, none of that. Just Biology.

As Jinyoung made his way down the hall, he spotted a familiar face in the distance. Youngjae was hurrying off somewhere, either from class or to class; Jinyoung couldn't tell. But he decided that it would be a friendly thing to at least greet the younger as he walked by. Normally he'd walk past everyone as if he didn't know them but recently he's been in a good mood. A mood that made him want to acknowledge the other people in his life a bit more rather than totally ignore them.

"Hey." He waved awkwardly as He almost passed Youngjae, the younger glancing at him briefly before coming to a full stop in the hallway.

Youngjae's eyes widened as he stared at Jinyoung as if he had two heads.

"Did... you just say hi to me?" he asked in disbelief.

Jinyoung's brows knitted together. "Yeah?"

The younger stepped closer, examining Jinyoung's entire face. "You never say hi to me... are you okay?"

"I'm fine." The elder replied, talking a self conscious step back. The fact that Youngjae stopped in the middle of his rush to make sure Jinyoung wasn't losing his mind said a lot about Jinyoung's usual mannerism. He tried not to dwell on it too much and decided to change the subject. "Uh, so, where you off to?"

Youngjae's eyes quickly drifted to the floor. "Um... to see Yugyeom, actually."

Well then, that explained the rush. Jinyoung hadn't gotten an update on Youngjae and Yugyeom's relationship ever since he gave the maknae some advice behind a tree; he wondered if things had progressed well since then. "Oh? How are things between you two?"

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