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Jaebum sat atop his bed, his eyes glued to Jinyoung who was fishing his pants off the floor. 

"That was the first time we did... that." he mumbled, still slightly dazed from the mixture of alcohol and hormones that buzzed through him after their little 'activity'.

The younger looked up at him, the blush on his face impossible to hide. "Y-Yeah..."

"You okay?" The elder asked, indiscreetly checking Jinyoung out while he had the chance to witness him partially unclothed. "Can you stand properly?"

"Well you didn't break my legs..." Jinyoung grumbled as he slid on his pants, 100% aware of Jaebum watching his every move as he dressed himself. He couldn't tell if Jaebum was actually asking out of concern or if he was just trying to stroke his own ego; they only had grinded against one another in horny desperation, it really wasn't anything too draining; but either way it was still embarrassing to talk about.

Jinyoung didn't regret it of course, if he had a choice of doing it again or not doing it at all, he'd pick the former without hesitation. He was just easily embarrassed about such things since he never usually did them or talked about them so openly.

He heard Jaebum chuckle from across the room as he checked his appearance in the mirror; glad to see that the elder found his current state amusing.
"I know. C'mere." Jaebum outstretched his hands toward the younger, almost like a child demanding his favorite toy.

Jinyoung turned away from the mirror after gawking at his flushed face, disheveled hair, and multiple hickeys that decorated his skin; he was the aftermath of Jaebum's work that the elder was surely proud of. He walked over toward Jaebum and took his hand, gasping when he was tugged closer. Jaebum looked up at him, gently patting his lap with a warm smile.

Jinyoung's jaw hung open as he realized what the elder wanted. "Y-You want me to climb on t-top?"

Jinyoung didn't think his face could get any redder, but Jaebum knew how to surprise him.

"Look at you blush." The elder giggled, patting his lap again as an invitation.  "C'mon, my lap is your throne."

Jinyoung was honestly good at saying no and avoiding embarrassing situations that he wanted no part of; it's what he'd been doing for a good portion of his school life. Yet somehow this man before him, Im Jaebum, always got him doing things that he would almost never initiate himself.

He would have never ended up on Jaebum's lap on his own accord; yet just a few pats and a compliment had him climbing over the elder and straddling him.

He was hesitant to settle his weight on Jaebum; but the elder was insistent. With Jinyoung's arms around Jaebum's neck, and the elder's hands securely holding his hips, it wasn't long before the two relaxed in one another's arms.

Jaebum seemed especially content, for some reason, really really enjoying Jinyoung on top of him. "You're honestly gorgeous from this view."

Jinyoung's eyes widened, his hand instinctively covering his face to physically hide from the compliments. "S-Stop..."

Jaebum moved Jinyoung's hands out of the way to kiss the younger's lips, the majority of his embarrassment melting away as soon as their mouths connected.

"Guess what?" Jaebum mumbled against Jinyoung's lips, his mischievous smirk not boding well for the younger. "I've got a hickey~, bestowed unto me by the one and only Park Jinyoung."

Jinyoung pulled back, his brows furrowing together. He didn't remember leaving a hickey-- he left a hickey? 

Granted, he felt like what happened just minutes ago was like an out of body experience and the only thing he really remembered were the lewdest parts of it, so it was likely he'd gotten too caught up in the pleasure and decided to leave his mark on Jaebum.

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