09: History Repeating

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MJ was sitting on a picnic bench round the front of the school with Elliot. She hadn't heard from Stefan. He hadn't been in school, he hadn't been around town, and from what she'd heard through Matt, he hadn't spoken to Elena either. First, a week had gone by, then two, and now it felt like she was just a normal person, going to school, going to work, meeting up with Jeremy, hanging out with friends.

It made her feel uneasy. 

She'd been trapped on a minibus with Tyler when they'd had their first cross country meet, forcing her to get over her awkward phase. Yes, he'd been compelled, yes, he thought Vicki was just missing, but he was also starting to be her friend, she was a social person in nature.

Cheering him on at the meet had helped her find some kind of peace with the situation.

"My name is Elliot Okoli and I'm watching my deeaarrr friend Mira Jung get a migraine as I continue to manhandle her camera," He was holding it up, looking at the display while filming her.

People really didn't get the whole 'don't touch or I will kill you' vibe she was trying to give out.

"Death. Death to you and your family," Her voice was bland but her lips twitched up and she couldn't keep the act up. 

"So, tell me,"

"Tell you what?"


"You're not very good at this interview thing,"

"Shut up! I'm amazing!" He pointed a finger at her and into the frame while laughing, "Now, for some reason, MJ here likes filming things, and I'm not about to complain because it's actually pretty fun, and, because right now we are making a baby - "

"Venga! Por dios!" She shook her head as he laughed, "Phrase it literally any other way! Please!" 

"A brain baby."

She sighed, "I'll take it." 

"Yes, we are having a brain baby, and MJ's in a bad mood because she got dress coded a few minutes ago and is having to wear her sports jersey but we're not gonna let that ruin the fact we are starting something. Something new."

MJ gave him a look, "That was a way for you to reference High School Musical wasn't it?" 


"Put the camera down," She stretched her hands down to pat at him, "And actually help me."

"Fine, fine! Vale!" He stopped the video and handed it back. The fact he spoke Spanish made her extremely comfortable, now she just needed to find a Mandarin buddy, "So what do we want to do?" 

"The question is what are we able to do. Say we raised a buttload of money, but how would we use the money?"

"Some of it would be put into an account and used for fundraising, supplies we might need, buying and trademarking a website, then the rest of it...okay, well, what do we think is the best way to use it.

MJ paused.

She spun her pen in her hand.

"Did you know that people living in rural towns, specifically small towns, are more likely to experience more frequent domestic abuse and more violent domestic abuse," She shifted and lent further on the bench, "A study was done by the Journal of Women's Health. And, they also found that when a football game has been on, in whatever the losing teams home city is, the number of domestic abuse-related calls rises by 38%."

"That's so screwed up."

"Yep," She nodded, "And the other thing about it, is that the people in rural towns, like this one, are farther from support options. Most cases don't get dealt with the way they should because everyone knows everyone. Obviously, this isn't an attack on Liz, it's just fact."

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