46: The End of Her Disturbing Behaviour

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MJ had fallen asleep in the car, waking up at six the next morning, on Ric's sofa, a blanket over her, and her phone plugged into a socket. The first thing she did was check for messages from Caroline or Tyler. None, other than confirmation that Caroline had never shown at The Grill, and then a text that meant she wasn't getting back to sleep.

Tyler thought his mum had done something.

His vampire hunter wannabe mum.

She left Ric a note saying she needed to start packing for New York then headed back to her apartment. After changing into sports gear, going on a run to give herself something to do, showering, and arranging all her dirty clothes - throwing the first load into the washing machine, it was a slightly more reasonable time, so MJ drove to the Lockwood's for an explanation as to where on earth Caroline was.

She had another text on her phone.

A sketch of a city.

She rolled her eyes, actually replying to that one.

'You're a killer of art, you're a killer of beauty, you're even a killer of laughter.'

- Don't quote Willem de Kooning to try and insult me. His work is atrocious. No legs to stand on when judging anyone.

'Francis Bacon is worse, and he's who you keep hurling my way when I respond.'

- I thought my petty quotes didn't bother you?

'They don't.'


'Wipe the smirk off your face.'

- You can't see me.

'I don't need to see you to know you're smug.'

- I'm starting to think you enjoy these chats Little Bird.

'To continue the theme of only insulting each other in quotes, have some Hamilton; 'There are 1,010,300 words in the English language, but I could never string together enough words to properly express how much I want to hit you with a chair.'

She put her phone away as Carol answered the door with a warm smile.

"MJ, lovely to see you, I was just about to make breakfast."

"Where's Caroline?"

She wasn't going to play pleasantries. Tyler might need to be more subtle about asking questions since his mum didn't know about him, but she didn't.

Carol let her inside, "I'm fixing it."

"Fixing what?"

Tyler jogged down the stairs, "I was just about to phone you."

"Caroline's officially a missing person in my books," MJ waved her phone, "And you left a vague and stressful message last night."

"Yeah..." Tyler looked at his mum

"Let me explain."

MJ joined them in the kitchen, picking up an apple, so she had something to nervously eat while Carol explained the situation. She thought Tyler might've been a vampire because she'd started to suspect Caroline was one, the pair had been spending so much time together, so she'd doused Caroline's bag in vervain then handed her over to her dad.

MJ wanted to believe that that meant Caroline was safe, but then she remembered, Caroline got her Founding Family last name from her dad.

Just because a Founder didn't live in Mystic Falls, didn't mean they weren't believers, and John Gilbert had chosen to die to stop Elena from turning into the thing he was raised to hate. There was a high chance Bill Forbes had the same attitude, but his daughter was already undead.

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