51: Homecoming

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a/n: This chapters going to jump around a lot, but it'll all make sense by the end. Hope you enjoy <3 - Bea

25th September 2010: 22:59

MJ was cold. It was the transition period into autumn, and it was late, and dark - of course, she was cold. Plus she was in a short dress with thin straps, sitting on an exposed bench near the edge of town. She was a mix of completely satisfied and scared out of her mind, knowing a number of different people could appear out of the shadows to try and attack her – most of them, half-dead originals.

Though she now had the biggest card up her sleeve. She didn't need to be scared. The fear was a reflex, and it was a response she was sick of having.

Just as her phone clock showed 11 pm, there was a gust of wind, and she was no longer alone on the street.

A girl wearing a satin dark grey dress and a black blazer jacket was standing in front of her, curly brown hair bouncing even though the top half had been pulled back.

"I can't believe I forgot to say this earlier," MJ found herself smiling, "But I really like your earrings."

Shiny silver, dangling triangles that complimented her face shape.

"Thank you," Katherine tapped them, "Just because I had to wear Elena's dress didn't mean I had to use her accessories."

Part of MJ wanted to laugh.

"Now, you," She looked MJ up and down, "Did it all work?"

"It did," MJ nodded.

"And you're sure you made the right call?"

MJ inhaled slowly, "Mikael is dead, Stefan's free, and..."

"And?" Katherine straightened up.



"And I possess the last White Oak Stake on the planet."

Katherine's eyes went wide.

MJ just smiled.



"But Mikael's dead?"

"Mikael is dead."

Katherine blinked, "Then – what?"

"I told you that I wasn't going to blow this," MJ's eyes flashed gold, "It doesn't look like much, but it's the real thing."

Her cloaking charm slipped away, revealing a stake ejector wrapped around her forearm, Mikael's weapon clipped into it.

Katherine was staring at it, "How?"

"Mikael's head was surprisingly easy to enter."

"No, no, no," She waved a hand, "Nope. I need the full story."

MJ grinned, "I said no questions asked!"

"Your 'no questions asked' was to get me back to town," She clarified, "We're done, we won – now tell me what on earth you were actually up to today."

"I mean," MJ was giddy, "I can't take all the credit. You and Damon got Mikael, Rebekah played her part. Elena! She gave up her Homecoming – "

"Do not even try and dodge me, MJ," Katherine scowled, "What happened?"



"Fine," She was grinning, "This morning, in typical 'today's plan is going to go wrong' fashion, I was summoned to the Salvatore House. Stefan and Damon had found Mikael after he'd ditched you."

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