93: American Gothic

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a/n: Thanks for all the love on the last chapter 💞

"Okay, so...you're the Grim Reaper or something?" Stefan asked as they drove.

Though MJ had their 'Get Psyched' Playlist loaded on her phone, they were listening to the radio because the things they were talking about required focused.

Top tier tunes wouldn't lead to focus.

"No? I don't know – my brother said it's a Floare Thing," MJ knew she didn't sound convincing, "And, it'll probably fade away."

It was hard to sound convincing when she didn't understand what she was explaining.

They were looking for Damon's car, which Rebekah and Elena had stolen then abandoned instead of just stopping for gas, and during the drive, MJ had been catching Stefan up on what the hell her death wave scream had been.

He'd assumed she'd siphoned a load of dark magic at some point, but MJ knew that wasn't the case.

If it had been dark magic, he would've seen hyperventilating, rolled back eyes, and random lashing out.

MJ had made a choice to kill them.

She had no idea where the spell came from, but she'd had control of it.

Catching Stefan up meant explaining the Skype conversation with her brother, talking through all of her recent death predictions, and talking about what she'd started to read in the Essí Floare book, and the one from New York.

It was a lot of information for him to take in at one time, but it needed to happen.

His hands adjusted on the wheel, "They kinda looked like birds."


"The way the fire appeared," Stefan shrugged, "Like, out of their arms and their shoulders, before it just set them on fire...it kinda looked like wings."

She didn't know how to respond to that.


"No, it's a fine comment to make," MJ rubbed her neck, "I'm just hoping it goes away now I'm not carrying the necklace about everywhere."



"Thank you."

"For what?"

"For making the call."

She bit her lip.

Stefan glanced over to her.

"For damning us all to potential hell?"

"I mean – it was Bonnie."

"Yeah," MJ moved her seat back so she could put her feet on the dash, "I've been thinking about it a little...the triangle and the raising the dead thing."

"Please don't tell me you're now on board with it – "

"No!" MJ waved her hands, "No, it would literally destroy the planet – like, food and water scarcity, tax evasion, housing – "

She was furiously shaking her head.

"My lord, it stresses me."

"Yes, MJ," Stefan laughed, "Tax evasion is the biggest problem with raising all the supernatural dead."

"Let me use the non-selfish reason for a second!"

"Okay, okay," He was still grinning, "Continue with what you were saying."

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