23: The Return

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They kept MJ in a hospital room for four hours.

They listened to her lungs, then her heart, then they took her temperature every half hour, before finally going through a full check-up.

She was dubbed a medical marvel.

Her body had completely healed after two hours, and MJ had to assume it was the magic from the fire. Taking that much energy into her body could've killed her, but since it didn't, it had fixed her up.

As she was pacing around the room she kept rubbing her stomach.

The bullet wounds were strange.

She'd healed, to a degree. Magic could do a lot, and Floare healing spells could do even more, but since she hadn't used a specific spell, the proof of the incident was still there. Three pinkish, earphone shaped holes, creating a triangle around her belly button.

She'd tried to heal it further, but there was something different about the wound.

Part of her could still feel the bullet inside her, even though she knew it wasn't there.

Everywhere else?

Her body temperature had always been high, and her arms and legs felt normal, but on the spots the bullets had hit, she was ice cold.

She'd sent Stefan to get her a change of clothes, things she'd left at the Salvatore House during his ripped week, and while she waited for them, she kept lifting her tattered shirt up. She was waiting to see coloured veins, her skin turning to stone – anything that indicated black magic, but nothing. Just cold. Her body was healing, the rest of her showed that, but the bullets were going to take longer.

She hadn't been allowed to see anyone during the four hours either, a doctor bringing her the change of clothes alongside the awful hospital food she'd been expected to eat for dinner.

Finally, just after eleven, a reluctant nurse came in to give her the sign-out forms.

"We finally got in touch with your dad, and for some reason, he's happy to let you go home."

MJ laughed awkwardly, snatching the plastic bag with all her belongings back and started to sift through the forms. Her phone started ringing a few moments after the door closed, and MJ whipped it out.

"I'm so sorry!" Was the first thing out of her mouth.

"What the hell, Mira!?" Ryos was yelling at her in Spanish, "I was up early for a shift anyway, but what the hell?"

On instinct, she responded in Spanish too, "The building was on fire, and I had someone inside!"

"That doesn't mean you run into it! That means you call a firefighter!"

"I'm sorry – "

"Sorry doesn't cut it, MiMi," His voice sounded tired, "We have to be careful!"

MJ stayed quiet, letting him get it out.

"Please don't tell me this is New York all over again? Please don't tell me you picked another supernatural hub and this is actually to do with vampires and werewolves, or god forbid another freaking Kitsune - "

"Hey! Beni's great!"

"I'm taking avoidance of the question as 'Yes, Mystic Falls does live up to its name' and the friend you were saving was probably another witch!"

If she corrected him, she knew he'd explode, "There's one witch. It's not a hub."

He sighed, "Okay, just..."

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