57: Who Will Make It To The Finish Line

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They were back near the foyer, hidden by a line of thick columns behind the bandstand. People dancing and chatting, completely unaware of them standing opposite each other at one end of the corridor.

Kol offered his hand, as if he was anything close to an actual gentleman, and MJ mock curtseyed before taking it.

He pulled her in close while starting the steps, a foot forward, to the side, around, clean movements to pull them towards a large gap in the centre of the columns. As they reached the spot, he was gone in a flash, leaving her to speed walk while giggling to the next one before someone spotted her.

They instantly fell back in time with the music, Kol retaking her hand, dancing in the shadows, turning to momentarily go back towards where they'd come from, both trying to stifle their laughs while checking for anyone who might've seen them during their moment in view.

The small gaps they danced through made each of their smiles more natural, but MJ wasn't one for being shown up.

As they were about halfway through the corridor, they reached the next potential viewpoint.


Kol was ready to collect her, then realised what she'd said.

He looked around, trying to work out where she was.

After a moment of watching, MJ dropped the spell, revealing herself at the next column.

"Can't help but think you could just cast a spell on both of us," He pointed out.

"Sneaking around is half the fun!"

They continued to move, neither opting to disappear at the third opening as he lifted his hand to spin her, catching and then dipping MJ down, directly in view.

She repeated the spell at the sound of shoes.


His eyes went wide as he realised MJ hadn't cloaked both of them.

"Yes," He straightened up, trying to feel MJ's weight so he didn't just drop her, "Sister."

"What are you doing?"

Rebekah had been looking for him, heard his laugh, then found him dancing on his own behind the band, practically out of sight.

He bit into his cheeks to try and keep himself from snickering.


"I'm waiting for you to get on with it," He answered bluntly.

"Well, I'm heading out now, so..."

"I'll be right behind you."

She rolled her eyes at his weird attitude and sped away.

MJ became visible again, next to him, palm still on her back.

"That was mean."

She laughed, which only caused him to wrap his arm around her waist, pinching her side then leaving his hand there.

"I certainly like the way the modern world's made women more comfortable with contact."

"Not a fan of nervous eyes and hands slapping you away?"

"I quite enjoyed the slapping, actually."

She was laughing again.

Then the song changed.

Kol looked out at the party, "Now our spot has been compromised - where are we hiding next?"

She thought about it.

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