73: The Rager

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The last place MJ wanted to be was school.

She'd spent most of the night cleaning her room up, letting Carol fully move her into the Lockwood's. The previous year, she'd been so against leaving her apartment behind, even though she usually crashed at Ric's, but now...she didn't mind as much. Carol wanted her at the Lockwood's for safety reasons, and MJ didn't want to sleep alone anymore. She; binned anything she didn't need, put magic-based items into one bag, art supplies into another, all her everyday things (books and clothes) into a third, then left her violin on top of the pile. Carol was sending someone to get them in the morning, which meant MJ also had to take down her magical defences.

It felt nice to clean them away

Technically, she was meant to stay in recovery at the hospital for at least two weeks. That's what a human would've done, at the minimum, if they'd managed to survive a stake in the gut, but MJ couldn't. She felt too exposed at Mystic Falls Hospital, and, she was healed up, so she didn't need to. Why give doctors more of a chance to notice there was something fishy about her healing ability?

Before she left the apartment, she'd pulled her shirt up, staring at the spot the stake had driven into.

The spot was in the middle of the three areas John had hit all those months ago. The skin was paler, like three now permanent shadows on her body, even though she thought she'd healed them at the time — the after-effects of dealing with a dark object she didn't fully understand. In three months, it would be exactly a year since the Founder's Day Parade.

It had only been a year.

MJ took a deep breath, then put her earphones in, starting the walk to school, car still parked at the Lockwood's.

She pulled up Spotify and managed a smile. She'd been explaining the app to Kol, and it seemed like he was a little addicted to going through as many playlists as he could and occasionally texting her the name of a song he liked.

It felt like a nice normal thing, almost friendly...

And then she'd think about how hot his voice was, and then she'd start thinking about having sex with him, and then she'd feel like a mess who wanted nothing more than to see his face, but she also knew that seeing his face would make the feeling 'worse'.

~She needed to get herself together~

She got to school, spotting Elena and Matt walking out from the 'make-out spot'. It would be their feeding spot until they figured out why Elena couldn't take anything except human blood.

When MJ had explained the situation to Katherine, she'd received a bunch of laughing emojis back.

Pri had been a little more helpful. Her response to how she'd never killed anyone had been,

- I'm just not a violent person. When I get angry, I get yell-y not stab-y

- If your friend wants to learn control, she needs to drink straight from the vein. And not just one vein. Different people respond to being fed on in different ways, and it can screw you up to not know the range of cues that mean you need to stop or they'll die.

MJ had passed that message on to Stefan and Elena, neither of them on board with letting Elena just go around feeding on people. MJ understood where they were coming from since Connor was lurking around and looking for vampires, but she didn't understand why they didn't just take a getaway to teach her then come back.

It's not like Stefan showed up to class on an average day anyway.

"Hey," MJ greeted them, tossing Matt a rub for his bite, and pulling one earphone out.

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