74: The Five

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MJ woke up and decided she wasn't going to get out of bed unless she had to. She didn't want to move, she had no reason to move, considering it was the weekend, and, her bed at the Lockwood's was far comfier than her old one had been.

Her old one.

At some point, she needed to meet with the landlord to finalise her move out.

She also needed to meet with Ric's.

Elena had so much going on with her vampire transition, and Jeremy shouldn't have to move out Ric's things. MJ was the one with a key. It was her responsibility.

She buried her head further into her pillow.

She was only half asleep when the violin caught her eye.

She summoned it over to the bed and used an app on her phone to start tuning it. Then, still sitting in bed, MJ began to play. There was something about playing the violin that was different to playing the piano. She never used sheet music, she'd just start, remembering the old songs her mother had taught her, and every emotion inside her would feel amplified.

There was a light knock on the door, Carol poking her head in, "Morning."

"I'm so sorry," MJ moved the violin from her chin to the bed, "I didn't mean to wake you."

"I was already up," Carol assured her, "And I love hearing you play."

MJ smiled to herself a little.

"And I wanted to make sure you got breakfast," Carol looked around the middle-sized area, "You do remember that we have quite a few spare rooms, don't you?"

MJ laughed – 'a few' was understating it.

"You don't need to play up here."

She smiled, "I'll be down in a minute."

Part of MJ still wanted to lie in bed and never move again, giving in to the growing lull period inside of her, but the other half of her wanted to get breakfast and talk to Carol.

MJ was thanking her every time they were together...Thanks for letting her stay, for giving her a makeshift magic room...just, for everything.

Tyler wanted MJ to make a 'first-week' video diary, and though Carol was a little awkward at the beginning, soon she was laughing while making eggs, narrating the first few days into the camera as the adult in the house.

When the clip was finish, MJ put the camera down and listened to Carol talk about her day of insanity now the memorial had happened. She had a million things to rearrange while looking for people to fill the positions of the deceased. Tyler was somewhere around the house with Hayley, but MJ didn't mind too much. She liked chatting with Carol.

The only reason she stopped was because Stefan called her.

MJ let it ring, finished her food, then phoned him back once she was alone in her room.

"Damon's taking Elena to Whitmore to teach her how to feed, can you please crash?"

She pulled a face, "You want me to third wheel Damon and Elena?"

"You and Damon seem to be getting on – "

"It's been a week, and he left me to explode yesterday."

"...He said he knew Klaus would get you out."

"Stefan," MJ put up the fakest voice she could, "Just repeat that sentence to yourself?"

"Yeah, okay," He caved, "Fair enough reason – but you'll keep him in check...and I can't go."

"Hey," MJ pressed the phone a little tighter, "I'm not going, partly because of that, and partly because you need people right now too, Stef."

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