82: O Come, All Ye Faithful

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With MJ rested on the bed again, Kol clambered on top of her, kissing up her body till they were level. She'd have to deal with the broken bed leg at a later date, waving her hand to begin the apartment clean-up around them.

"Well," Kol's voice was breathy, "I'm happier now."

She giggled, body in a state of euphoria on the sheets.

"Tapped out?" He mused, twisting down to be next to her, rather than on top.

"Very much so," MJ turned to lie into him, facing up, "Give me like an hour or two, then we can keep going."

It had turned from mid-day to late-afternoon outside the windows.

His arm was around her, fingers tracing slow arcs on her back, "Catch-up the normal way, with food, then continue?"

"Hm," She smiled.

"Maybe food's a bad idea, though."


"Because I'll just want to eat it off you."

"I see no problem with that."

"You," Kol tugged the duvet tighter around them while she rested into his chest properly, "Are the thing I've been missing these past few centuries."

"V honoured," She closed her eyes, exhausted, "And, seriously, I lowkey needed to see you today so great surprise."

Kol kissed her jaw, "I actually have something else to give you."

"Replacement underwear," She tried not to laugh, "You already said."

"Something else."

"I wasn't kidding when I said you didn't need to keep getting me stuff," MJ did like it though, "I feel like I'm pretty well 'courted' already."

"But it's Christmas Season!" He justified, "If I can't buy you something now, then what's the point."

"I feel bad."

Kol squeezed her tightly, "I like getting you things."

MJ opened her eyes to see him gazing back at her.

"And don't you think you deserve to be sent gifts?"

She laughed a little, "No?"

"Well, you do," He decided, "And, turning his house into a post-office irritates my brother, so I'd call it a win-win."

"Ooohh!" She nodded teasingly, "So, it's to antagonise Klaus."

"He's always liked to shop from other people's baskets, and you're a queen among the crowd in front of him. If sending things I think will make you smile also gets him to take a hint, I'm not about to stop."

"Isn't it a good thing I can co-exist with him?"

He considered it, "I guess."

It gave her a higher chance of survival then most of the people any of them dated, though Kol didn't really want to say that.

MJ took the answer as a win, knowing he'd probably relax about it all now he was around.

Kol was squeezing her tighter again, breathing in slowly.

Then he stilled, eyes open and wide.


He was pulling away to bite into his wrist, offering it forward, "I forgot."

MJ had too.

She had a healing rune on, so it wasn't like she was about to pass out from blood loss, but magic was slower than vampire blood.

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