80: We'll Always Have Bourbon Street

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MJ headed to school early the next morning, needing time to walk around the outside before forcing herself through the doors.

She had to drop off some history homework with the substitute teacher, then she was getting to her locker, getting through her one lesson, then getting back to the Lockwood Mansion, finishing Winter Formal dresses.

Caroline and Bonnie were waiting by her locker, putting a slight pause in her timetable.

Caroline had explained part of the situation to Bonnie – the hunter Jeremy stuff, and both of them looked a little crazy in the eyes, standing a little too straight.

Then Elena arrived, her hair in an incredibly rushed low bun.

"Elena," Caroline was using her high-pitched fake voice, "Hey."

"Lower," MJ whispered.

"Is everything okay?" She sounded slightly more genuine.

"Yeah," Elena gave them a look, "Why wouldn't it be?"

"Well," Bonnie took over, "Caroline told me you had to move out to stay away from Jeremy."

"Matt is staying with him right now," Elena nodded, "To make sure he keeps all of his hunter stuff in control. He's okay."

"But are you?" Caroline asked, like she hadn't spent the weekend making it perfectly clear she thought Elena wasn't okay, "Clearly, they don't have a flat iron at hotel Salvatore."

"Oh – I was in a rush!" Elena pulled her hair down, "I mean – look, do you guys have any plans tonight? I'm in desperate need of some girl talk."

"I'm in," Bonnie perked up, "Shane taught me some small spells I've wanted to try."

"Oh, creepy professor guy is just Shane now," Caroline teased and gave Elena and MJ a look.

"He's not creepy."

"We're not judging," Elena assured her.

"I'm not sure I'm feeling a girl's night," MJ admitted before it got too late to back out.

She couldn't last a full night of Damon-Elena-Caroline drama, and she didn't want to hear about Shane either considering she still thought he was connected to the Young Fire.

"Feel free to have one without me, though."

Caroline lent back on MJ's locker, "If Bonnie can talk about Shane, you can talk about Kol."


"Um," Elena found her voice, "What?"

MJ shook her head, "You were doing so well at keeping it to yourself."

She'd only told Tyler, which was fair enough.

"As in Klaus's brother Kol?" Elena straightened up, looking between MJ and Caroline, "Why would you be talking about Kol?"

"Sorry," Caroline mumbled.

"Don't even worry about it..."

It was always going to have to come out.

"Yes, Klaus's brother Kol."

"You and Kol?" Elena turned to Bonnie, "Why am I the only one reacting to this?"

"He was the one that saved her from the hex," Bonnie shrugged, "And she left with him post-Ric. I knew they were...friends?"

Awkward pause.

"Who have maybe had sex?"

Katherine had announced their relationship through the phone.

MJ waved her hand, "We text sometimes."

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