40: The Last Day

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After Ric left, there was a long moment.

A never-ending moment where the only thing she could hear was her still beating heart.

She was in a room of people who had no qualms about killing her, and unless she was willing to do everything in her power to keep up with them, she wouldn't make it out alive.

Klaus would kill her the moment the moonstone left her hand.

Unless she gave him a reason not to.

Unless she was willing to risk her own life to siphon away his.

Slowly, she looked around the room.

Two vampire henchman. A confused Katherine. Two witches who were staring at MJ's hands.

She watched as the realisation spread across their faces. They'd seen her hands turn red, they'd seen Klaus flinch back, and they'd seen the power boost in action.

Klaus was staring at her hands too.

"I guess Katherine forgot to mention that part?" MJ allowed time to start again, short and shallow breaths as she mumbled.

Stopping her own heart did come with after effects.

"What are you?" He demanded.

"My name," Her voice was quiet and forced, "My name is MJ Floare-Ruiz."

His hand slammed into the wall next to her head again, "I know your name, what are you?"

She was trapped beneath him, shaking with exhaustion and fear.

"Klaus," Greta spoke up, "I think she said that for our benefit."

MJ nodded, staring at her shoes.

"Being a Floare isn't an excuse," Maddox crossed his arms, "She's damaged goods."

Klaus took a step back, trying to dissect what was going on.

MJ took the chance to try and scoot past him, but he grabbed her arm, squeezing it till she cried out, holding her back.

He was going to let her live, but he wasn't going to make it easy on her.

"She's a siphoner," Greta stated, "Siphoners aren't real witches."

"I'd say she's a pretty decent witch," Katherine muttered, "Considering she managed to pull one over on all of us."

For a day or two, they were on the same side.

Klaus yanked MJ in close, and lowered his voice, "Explain yourself."

"I'm the second child of a Floare witch and a human," She wanted to squirm free, but she couldn't, "That means I'm a siphoner. What I did to you – the pain in your arm? That was me siphoning the magic out of your body to use it – "

"Destroy it," Greta cut her off, "She destroys magic. Siphoners? They're the bastard children of nature."

MJ bit her lip, hard.

"They're not meant to exist."

"That's a new one," Her eyes were on Klaus's hand, "Abomination, atrocity, obscenity...never been a bastard before."

Surprisingly enough, Klaus released her.

He started to pour himself a drink, then noticed nobody else moving.

He smiled, happy to have control back, gesturing at MJ, "Get going then. Give her the spell."

"What?" Maddox asked.

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