A Day With You

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Usually, I would wake up alone. Not this time, this time I woke up cuddling with Yoon. She was laying on her back as she was on her phone, having her arm wrapped around my waist. I was cuddled into her chest as I had my arms wrapped around her torso.

I cuddled into her chest more, wanting to go back to sleep. I listened to Yoon's heartbeat as I tried to drift back to sleep.

"Miyeon," Yoon whispered. "Are you awake?"

"I guess..." I muttered in response.

"You're a cuddler." Yoon chuckled. "I was thinking about taking a walk in the forest today, would you like to come along?"

"Sure." I moved over so that I wasn't laying on Yoon anymore.

"Alright, be ready by ten in the backyard. Make sure you've had breakfast." Yoon told me before she got out of bed to get ready. I waited until the door shut, signalling that she had left before I got up as well.

I grabbed a shower before getting dressed in black jeans and a white dress shirt, tucking the front of it in. I brushed my hair before straightening it, then putting light makeup on. Half an hour had passed and it was now nine thirty, giving me half an hour before having to meet up with Yoon.

I went downstairs where the cook made eggs, bacon, and toast for me. I thanked her before sitting down and starting to eat. I finished with about ten minutes before ten. I walked to the front door and slipped on my shoes and light coat before walking to the back door. I walked out to the backyard, which had a small pond with a bench next to it where Yoon was sitting. She was wearing black cargo pants with a white crop top.

"Ready to go?" Yoon asked as she stood up and took my hand.


"Great," Yoon and I started walking to the back gate which led to the forest. "We're going to take the trail that leads to a forest clearing with a cabin."

"Do you even use the cabin?" I asked as Yoon opened the gate and let me out first before herself, closing the gate and continuing out to the forest.

"Nope, I sometimes use it whenever I want to get out of the mansion. It still gets cleaned once a week though."

"I see."

We walked through the forest, it was definitely relaxing and quiet. It was something I needed for a long time. We walked quietly as we went further into the forest. At first, I didn't feel nervous until we got farther into the forest.

I stopped walking which made Yoon stop a couple of steps in front of me. "What's wrong?" She asked.

"How can I know...that you won't do anything?" Yoon didn't answer me, instead she kept quiet as she looked around.

"Min-hee." She spoke. "Yoon Min-hee."


"I don't trust many people that I've known for only a week to know my name, but you're different. You can call me Minnie." Minnie held out her hand for me to take. I took it and we continued walking.

We arrived at a clearing not soon after, with a small cabin in the middle. I let go of Minnie's hand and walked around. It was quite peaceful compared to the city.

"Hey, you want to have a look inside Miyeon?" Minnie said loud enough that I would hear.

"Sure, why not?" I came back over to Minnie who unlocked the door and opened it, letting me walk in first.

I can still remember the cabin clearly. It had a small living room and kitchen, along with a master bedroom and bathroom. It was small but comfortable. That's when Minnie's phone starting ringing, she answered it and stepped into the living room while I was in the master bedroom.

"Are you fucking kidding me? Have those men killed tonight, send my regards to them. I'll visit those two in jail tomorrow." Minnie then hung up. "Fuck."

"What's wrong?" I asked as I stepped out of the bedroom.

"Jeon and another friend of mine got sent to jail because they got tricked. We'll visit them tomorrow."

"Oh? What are you going to do, have them released?"

"I'm going to visit them, they'll spend a bit of time in jail."

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