The Dancing Machine

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We arrived at the place where Jungkook led us to. Going inside, it was similar to the duos place, except that it didn't have a fire hazard microphone. Jungkook led us up to the balcony where a woman with black hair stood.

"You must be Minnie." The woman held her hand out. "Hirai Momo." We shook hands. "You must be Soyeon and Soojin, I heard about you Soyeon. You beat that small rapper to get here."

"Wasn't that long of a rap battle."

"Yeah well, when they see talent then they usually let you off easily."

"I guess, so let me take a guess, I have to compete with you." Soojin stated.

"If you're the competitor then yes, you compete with me." Momo agreed. "The theme tonight is sexy."

Momo then left us three as she went down to the ground. "You got this Soojin?" Soyeon raised a brow at the older one.

"Of course I got this. I'm full of sexiness." Soojin smiled proudly. "I'll win."

I sighed in agreement and went downstairs with the other two. Soojin would be up first to dance.

I glanced over at Soyeon to see her eyes fixed on Soojin only. I snapped my fingers in front of her face to make her focus again. "You think she'll win?"

"I know she'll win." Soyeon answered.

Momo took the stage next, playing a song.

"I have a bit of doubt towards Soojin winning." I stated.

"Just wait Minnie, she hasn't shown all of it yet." 

Then, the next song was played for Soojin.

The crowd cheered and clapped once Soojin finished. It was louder than the previous two performances. Momo smirked and clapped as well. Soojin got a bit shy and hid behind Soyeon as the competition ended. The four went back up to the balcony.

"You're good, I'll give you that. I base the winner off of the crowd, and I would say you definitely won." Momo said.

"I'd say she definitely won." A voice came from the side and I looked over to see Dahyun with a drink in hand. She walked over and handed Momo a drink, her arm wrapping around her waist. "So two challenges done and one to go."

"What is the third challenge anyhow?" I questioned them.

"Mmm, well it'll be easy for you..." Momo began.

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