Soojin, Protect Her

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"I still don't think it's a good idea to leave you with Soojin." Minnie stated as we entered the nightclub for the second night in a row.

Minnie was wearing black trousers and a white dress shirt while I was wearing a black dress that became loose from the waist down and ended at my knees. We had come back after last night since Minnie had some more business to take care of.

"I'll be fine Minnie, you didn't want me to stay at the apartment."

"That would've been a better idea." Minnie muttered as we approached Soojin.

Soojin stood up and was wearing a full black outfit with a leather jacket. "Minnie, I can see you don't trust me."

"You're a chick magnet, how could I trust you to keep Miyeon safe?"

"I know the rules. Don't leave her, make sure no one comes up to her, no drinks, and no flirting." Minnie gave Soojin a look. "And no kissing."

"Good, keep her safe." Minnie let go of my hand and left us. Soojin sat down in the booth and slid down, letting me sit down.

"I swear she trusts me with territory but not with people." Soojin took a sip of her drink.

"I heard you're quite the chick magnet. Might explain it then."

"I am, but when it comes to protecting people that Minnie care about, then they become my main priority."

"How much would you say Minnie cares about me?"

"More than you would ever think."

"Well I think that she cares about me...a bit. Like, a friend way but that's really it."

"I would say more than a friend, more like she would give you anything, kill anyone, and do anything to ensure your happiness." Soojin answered.

"I didn't think that she cared that much." I mumbled as I stirred my cup of water.

"Oh she does, I have zero clue why though."

I nodded in response and looked around the nightclub. Many guys, I noticed, being seduced by women.

"So, do you like having hookups left and right?"

"Actually no, not really. Gets tiring after a while, I don't really need to hookup with people but I do."

"How many people are in the mafia?"

"Only two. Shuhua and Soyeon." Soojin answered. "Of course you could join with that pretty little face of yours, but I don't want to be on Minnie's hit list."

"Should I take that as a compliment?" Soojin shrugged in response.

"Eh, I guess you could. I did call you pretty, which is very much true."

Three men walked up to our booth, the smell of alcohol making me feel nauseous. Soojin slid out of the booth and stood in front of the three men.

"Who's this pretty gal?" One of the men asked.

"None of your business, so I say you should get out of here."

"Oh come on Seo, we can't talk to the pretty lady?"

"No, now get before Minnie comes out."

"Oh so she's Yoon's territory? Even better." One of the men attempted to get close to me but was stopped by Soojin's arm.

"I warned you." Soojin stepped in from the man and punched him straight in the face, making him fall to his knees. Before he could stand up Soojin kneed his chin, causing him to fall to the ground fully.

"You bitch!" One of the men grabbed a bottle and shattered it on the table, causing me to jump. I slid a bit into the booth, farther from the ends.

Soojin avoided the guy, causing him to collide with the other man. "Come on Miyeon." Soojin took my arm and pulled me up. We ran to one of the back rooms, where Soojin told one of the men to tell Minnie where we were.

Soojin pulled me in and shut the door. "Who were they?"

"Just some regular guys, they're exactly the definition of trouble." Soojin sat down to take a breather. "A reason why Minnie wanted me to watch you."

The door opened, revealing Minnie who looked pissed off. "You two okay?"

"Yeah, those men were nothing." Soojin stated as she stood up and walked over to us. Minnie walked over to me and examined my arms.

"And where did these marks come from?" Minnie questioned Soojin.

"It's nothing Minnie, Soojin was just in a hurry." I stood in between the two. "I didn't even feel it, can we please leave now?"

Minnie sighed. "Sure, let's go. Thanks Soojin."


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