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19 years old

✨A ravenette

✨Has a 6:02pm mark on his right wrist.

Lives in Village Enchanté, in an average home near the mountains.

Jungkook a complete introvert. Doesn't speak very much unless he's asked. But is a sweet and thoughtful boy.


7 years old

✨Has black hair

✨Doesn't have a mark yet.

✨Lives in Village Enchanté, in an average home near the mountains.

✨Rorae is Jungkook's bubbly younger sister. A social butterfly and talks a lot.


43 years old

✨A ravenette

✨Has a 10:06am mark on her left wrist.

✨Lives in Village Enchanté, in an average home near the mountains.

✨A sweet lady. Some people say she's strict and intimidating because she speaks very frankly about things and always gets into the point. But is a big ball of sunshine when you really get to know her.

✨A house wife.


42 years old

✨Has black hair

✨Has a 10:06am mark on his right wrist.

✨Lives in Village Enchanté, in an average home near the mountains.

✨A quiet but sweet man. Known for Work not Words kind of person. Loves his family dearly.

✨Works as a gardener.


19 years old

✨A brunette

Has a 3:09pm mark on his left wrist.

✨Lives in Village Enchanté, in a small cosy house near the rivers.

✨Kim Taehyung,a social butterfly. Famous in their school but is kind. He's talkative and is easily distracted.


39 years old

✨Has an ash brown hair.

✨Has a faded 3:14am mark on her left wrist. It's because her soulmate abandoned her and her child. Their bond didn't last so it faded.

✨Famous model


I'm kind of sensitive and will overthink if ever you'll criticise me or my book like really harshly so please be nice hehe.

I love ya'll

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