Chapter 06

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Chapter 06 - End of Vacation ✨


                   "Time flies so fast. How come tomorrow is already back to school?" Taehyung scoffed while preparing the thing's he'll need tomorrow.

Taehyung spent his vacation with sleeping, eating, scrolling through social media, sleep, so on and so forth. The brunette rarely spends his vacation with Jimin since the other found his soulmate and always go on a date.

Lucky mochi.

Taehyung sighed in relief when he finally finished packing and went back to sleep.

--Next Day--


Taehyung fell off his bed with a loud thud. He groaned and massaged his buttocks.


His alarm clock ringed loudly. Taehyung turned it off and was about to go back to sleep.

"Wait! I have school today!" Taehyung sprinted towards the bathroom and did his morning routine.

"I'm late, I'm late, I'm freaking late." Taehyung chanted as he grabbed the apple on the table and slinging his bag on his shoulder.

He slipped his feet in his shoes in hurried manner when he heard the familiar honk of their school's school bus.

"Please wait for me." Taehyung muttered as he tied his shoelace with panic.


Taehyung ran towards the bus and went inside.

He bowed at the driver slightly as if thanking him that he didn't leave the brunette behind.

"Good morning, Taehyung" a girl shyly greeted him with a smile. "Good morning" Taehyung sweetly smiled at her as he searched for an available seat.

"Here, Tae!" Taehyung heard a familiar high pitched voice from the back. He went towards it and saw Jimin grinning at him.

"Hi, Chim." Taehyung sat and sighed in relief.

"Why did you not hang out with me during vacation?" Jimin pouted and crossed his arms.

"Well I'm afraid you're hanging out with your boyfriend, Mochi." Taehyung giggled.

"H-he's not my boyfriend, Tae! Shush!" Jimin's face flushed.

"Oh so you're just close friends going out on dates and casually holding hands and kissing each other's cheeks? Hmmm... Do guys only give each other a kiss on the cheeks? Or do I not know something?" Taehyung wiggled his eyebrows at his embarrassed friend.

"No! Tae stop!" Jimin groaned.

Taehyung laughed and continue to tease the other.


They both clutched their schedules trying to find their room.

"But at least we're still classmates." Jimin winked at the brunette. Taehyung just laughed and pointed at a room near the library.

"Star Class! Finally!" Taehyung exclaimed while walking even faster.

"Calm your tits down and wait for me!" Jimin groaned trying to catch up with his amused friend.

Jimin's face redden when he saw Yoongi sitting at the back and looking out the window.

And they were classmates...

Oh gosh,we're classmates! I can now die in peace.

Taehyung's eyes sparkled with happiness when he saw a quiet ravenette sitting near the window.

"Taetae, there are two vacant seats but we'll be far away from each other." Jimin pouted.

"It's fine, Chim. You sit next to your bo--"

"Complete that and I'll slap you!" Jimin furrowed his eyebrows at the giggling male.

"What? With your tiny hands? But okay, you sit next to you soulmate and I'll sit next to Jungkook"  Taehyung walked towards the empty seat next to the ravenette.

Jimin's lips formed into an "O", finally knowing who the Jungkook boy is.

"Hi." Taehyung beamed while waving his hands and putting his bag on the chair.

Jungkook gave him a sall smile while waving back.

Taehyung blushed while ignoring the quick beatings of his heart.

Jungkook looked out the window trying to distract himself from the weird feeling in his stomach.


They both thought.


Quarantine life sucks.

Ya'll keep safe from the virus!

Boost your immunity,wear mask and always sanitise your hands!

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I love ya'll,lovies! 💞

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