Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 - The Confession


Jungkook stared at the ceiling blankly. It's midnight and a certain ravenette is still wide awake, thinking about a male with a boxy smile that never fails to make him feel things.'ve been on my mind ever since we met. What are you doing to me?

Jungkook groaned and tried to fall into a slumber but fails. He hates this feeling. The feeling of being unsure. All his life, he grew up being sure to everything he does. But this certain brunette always crossed his mind and a question is always left unanswered.

Are you my soulmate?

Their mark says otherwise.

Jungkook stared at his mark and then his palms. The main reason why he's awake is because of the scene earlier keeps replaying in his mind, when they held hands but then pulled away because of the soulmate's spark that they felt. Or maybe they misunderstood?

The ravenette just frowned.

|--- At School ---|

"Is it okay if we shoot at my house after school? For the last scene?" Namjoon approached Taehyung and Jungkook who's having an awkward silence around them.

"Y-yeah..." Taehyung said and gave Namjoon a tight lipped smiled.

"Are you two okay?" Namjoon asked slightly litlting his head.

"Yes." they both said in unison which made their eyes wide. Namjoon nodded nonetheless and went back to his seat.

"GO BACK TO YOUR PROPER SEATS." Mr.Jung yelled making everyone tense and go to their seats in a hurry.

Mr.Jung(not Hoseok's father,ok?) started lecturing but the brunette and the ravenette didnt bothered listening.


After an hour of boring lecture about dead people, Mr.Jung decided to dismiss since it's already time.

Taehyung stood up abruptly and went to Jimin not bothering to bid Jungkook goodbye like he used to.

"T-Taehyung, you left your phone..." Jungkook said and the brunette immediately went to his desk and grabbed his phone. Not even thanking the ravenette.

What's wrong with him?

Jungkook collected his stuff and placed it in his pastel blue bag with a frown on his face.

|---End of Classes---|

Jungkook stared at Taehyung since the brunette is walking ahead of him with Namjoon and Jin by his side leaving the ravenette behind.

He's been ignoring me whole day. Did i do something wrong?

The four of them walked towards Namjoon's house, casually sharing jokes and having a conversation. Except the ravenette from the back.

I feel like an outcast.

Jungkook sighed in relief when they finally reached their destination.

"Please take off your shoes." Namjoon said while untying his sneakers. They followed and went inside.

"You're house looks really good, Joonie." Jin said, mouth agape.

"We always hang out here, Jin hyung. What are you talking about?" Namjoon chuckled, "Do you guys want anything?" he asked.

Taehyung and Jungkook shook their head. "Oh dont be shy. I'd like to have some orange juice, Joon." Jin sat on the sofa comfortably which is followed by the two awkward males.

"Come with me, Jin hyung." Namjoon whined and Jin went to him, "You're such a baby, Joonie" he giggled and they both disappeared leaving Taehyung and Jungkook sitting on the sofa.

The brunette pulled out his phone and started to scroll through social media.

"T-Taehyung..." Jungkook called out while the aforementioned male acted as if he didn't hear anything.

"Taehyung..." the ravenette called out once again, voluming up, thinking that the other still didn't hear him.

"Taehyung." Jungkook said, even louder which made the brunette turn to him with a puzzled look.

"What?" he said quietly, as if he doesn't want to talk with the ravenette.

"Did I do something wrong?" Jungkook asked.

"No." Taehyung simply replied and continued scrolling through his phone.

"Why are you ignoring me?" the ravenette asked, voice lacing with sadness and confusion.

"I'm not." Taehyung said not sparing him a glance.

Jungkook got enough of it.

The ravenette pushed Taehyung onto the sofa making him lay with a yelp. His hands on the brunette's waist and the other on the shoulder. He placed himself between Taehyung's legs with their face only centimeters apart.

"Why are you ignoring me?" Jungkook asked in a low voice making Taehyung shiver.

"I-I'm not..." the brunette looked everywhere but the male on top of him.

"You are ignoring me, Kim Taehyung." The ravenette asked placing his lip on the other's ear.

Where did i get all of this confidence?
Ha. Y'all probably thought I'm the bottom, huh?

"It's...It's b-because.." The brunette blushed at the position they're in at the moment.

"Tell me, Kim." Jungkook whispered while Taehyung almost moaned.

Are you even Jungkook?

"It's because you're always in my mind. You're making me feel things, Jungkook! Damn it. I don't even know if you're my soulmate because of this stupid mark! Maybe I just like you so much!" Taehyung panted and his eyes widen when their nose touched, smelling Jungkook's minty breath.

"Then why do you have to ignore me?" Jungkook asked.

"B-because i thought my feelings will disappear if i do so!" Taehyung whined when Jungkook's grip on his waist tightens.

"Do you...feel it too, Jeon?" The brunette closed his eyes,unable to look at the other.

"Yes I do, Kim." Jungkook closed the gap and placed his soft lips against Taehyung's plump ones.

Their hearts exploding from happiness and excitement. It didn't matter if they're soulmates or not at the moment. For now. They just want to feel each other's lips against theirs.


What the heck...

A lovie almost made it ;)

Try harder ya'll hahahaha

Keep safe from corona virus!

Dont forget to leave a vote and dont be a ghost reader,pwease! 😘

I love ya'll,lovies!

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