Chapter 13

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Chapter 13 - How He Did The Crime


      Jungkook stayed up all night decorating the room he'll use to surprise his beloved Taehyung.

"Maybe we should go home now, Kook. It's almost 3am...and we have school tomorrow." His cousin, Ji-yeon yawned and stretched her arms.

"You don't want to look like a zombie,do you?" She giggled while attaching the 'n' on the word 'Monthsary' on the wall.

Jungkook sighed and shook his head on the grey haired female's question. "We can just skip classes on the afternoon since I know that your teachers doesn't give a single damn even if you won't attend for the whole year. So don't argue with me." she said while putting her things in her bag.

"Ugh, okay...Wait. How can we make Tae come--"

"Don't worry, kooks. I already called Jimin and Yoongi to help us." Ji-yeon interrupted.

"Since when are ya'll friends?" Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows.

"Me and Jimin are already friends, Jungkook. We hung out once since he's a social butterfly like his best friend." She said and winked at him the end.

"What did you tell him?" Jungkook asked while sticking the 't' on the word 'Monthsary'.

"Are you okay with the kidnapping plan?" she bit her lips while staring at him with her big doe eyes.

"What kidnapping plan are you talking about, Yeon?" the ravenette rubbed his eyes sleepily.

"The one that we talked about! It's better that blindfolding him or something, reserve it for something else like--"

"Finish that and I'll rip your Troye Sivan posters into tiny pieces." Jungkook said with flushed face.

"--like when the sun is too bright and you don't have a sunglass so you use blindfold instead! What do you think i'll say, Kooks?" she teasingly smiled at him.

Jungkook rolled his eyes and turned his back against her, trying to hide his blush.

"But what did you tell him though?" he asked while putting the 'h' on the word 'Monthsary'.

"But do you agree?"

"Agree with what?"

"The kidnapping shit, Jeon. Do you agree?"

"Agree with wha--oh yes...wait...agree with what though?" his eyes drooped.

Ji-yeon huffed and rolled her eyes at her tired cousin."See? you need sleep."

"Oh the kidnapping plan...But it can't hurt him,right?" he yawned accidentally glued the 's' on his forehead.

Ji-yeon laughed loudly.

"Fuck." Jungkook pulled the letter away with a disgusted look with his face. "I smell like glue." he whined.

"We'll continue this tomorrow, kooks. Before you do something stupid just because you're sleepy." Ji-yeon said.

"And about the kidnapping plan, you and Yoongi oppa will be the abductors. You'll just get Taehyung but not Jimin since he already knows about this.

You'll change into pajamas since Taehyung will be wearing one too. It'll be so cute!

But before that, I'll act close to you first and i'll be asking Taehyung permission to agree with you helping me with a homework in the library and after that, we won't be attending class. And he'll think that we're still in the library or something.

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