Chapter 16

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Chapter 16 - Spend The Remaining Time

--------------|(2 in a half years of dating)

             "Long weekend,huh?" Jungkook plopped on the sofa and swung his arms around the brunette.

"Yep..." Taehyung sighed in relief when he felt the warmth of his lover."Do you have anything to do?" the ravenette asked while Taehyung leaned on his shoulder.

"Nah." Taehyung replied."Do you want to like uh...go on a date or something?" Jungkook nuzzled his nose into Taehyung's strawberry scented hair.

The brunette giggled and turned to the ravenette,still leaning onto Jungkook."That sounds nice,Kookie." he kissed Jungkook's cheeks making the other chuckle lightly.


"Okay,Kookie." the brunette giggled.

|--- The Next Day ---|

"This looks good on you,bub." Jungkook held up a red silk shirt with a grin on his face."Oh!I saw a blue one too,Kookie!That'll suit you." the brunette giggled.(The ones they wore during DNA era,I'm not good with describing clothes,so I'm very sowwy.)

"How about we try them on together?" Jungkook winked playfully.
Taehyung blushed and furrowed his eyebrows while looking at Jungkook.

"What?" the brunette raised his eyebrows with an amused expression."Pervert!" Taehyung exclaimed and sprinted towards the fitting room with pink shade crept  across his cheeks.

Jungkook went after him with a cheeky grin on his face.People may think he's unapproachable because he's always quiet and always wears his poker face,but he's a goofy rabbit that will always try to annoy and tease you but he knows his limitations,of course.A certified soft squishy bunny around the people he's comfortable with.

"Open up~" Jungkook whined when he realised that Taehyung locked the door purposely."I think there's an available room next to this,Kookie." the brunette squeaked shyly.

"No~All is occupied." Jungkook said with a cute voice making the other giggle.

"Ugh~Okay..." the sound of the door unlocking can be heard which made Jungkook grin widely.

The ravenette twisted the knob giddily."Hi." Taehyung shyly said and turned his back against the other while covering his stomach.

"Don't be shy,bub.You're beautiful." Jungkook placed his hand on Taehyung's shoulder gently.

"N-no..." the brunette ducked his head with shame eating him up,making him wrap his arms around his bare abdomen tightly.

"Tae~You know that I love every part of you,right?So you don't have to worry because I'll never judge you.Ever." Jungkook kissed the brunette's nape.

Taehyung turned towards the ravenette but maintained his gaze at the floor,too embarrassed to look at Jungkook in the eye.

The ravenette cupped Taehyung's cheeks and made the brunette look at him."I love you." Jungkook kissed Taehyung's nose and pulled the brunette's arms away from his naked upper.

"I-i love you too,Kookie." Taehyung stretched his lips into a smile,heart pounding against his chest.

"I don't know why your so embarrassed with your belly,I think it's cute.It is cute." Jungkook grinned and took off his own shirt,making Taehyung blush even more.

The ravenette chuckled at the flustered male infront of him and tried on his blue clothing.

Taehyung wore the red elegant clothing."That looks good on you,Kookie." the brunette giggled."You look lovely.Very very lovely." Jungkook said,giving Taehyung heart eyes.

"Oh shush,Kookie." the brunette covered his face shyly."And I can totally picture you in grey hair." Jungkook fixed Taehyung's hair gently.

"Really?I don't think that'll suit me..." Taehyung looked at his reflection in the mirror. "You'll look like a goddess." Jungkook back hugged the brunette while looking at their reflection.

"I think light brown will suit you very much!"Taehyung giggled and placed his head on Jungkook's shoulder.His favourite spot apart from Jungkook's heart.

"Really?"Jungkook chuckled and rubbed Taehyung's hips in circular motion.

"Yeah,you'll look like the one that i'll be spending my forever with..." Taehyung winked and giggled at himself.

"Oh,really huh." Jungkook turned Taehyung abruptly making the brunette yelp in surprise.

The ravenette poked Taehyung's sides with a goofy grin on his face."S-stop!" Taehyung laughed loudly while trying to pull Jungkook's hands away from him.

"K-kookie,stop!" he giggled,legs slowly losing its strength from the ticklish feeling.

"Sexual intercourse isn't allowed in this room,sirs." a high pitched voice made them halt with wide grin on their face.

"She thought we're...pft--" Jungkook cackled while Taehyung covered his mouth to stifle his laugh.

"We're not doing it,miss..." Taehyung cheekily said."Then what are the both of you doing there?" she asked,slightly calming down.Must be their manager.

"What do you do when you're in the fitting room,miss?" Taehyung asked sarcastically which made Jungkook laugh even more.

"Whatever." the voice's heels clicked on the floor,signalling them that she's leaving.

"See?We almost got in trouble,you silly Kookie..." Taehyung shook his head but laughed afterwards.


I freaked out when this chapter vanished for a minute or two.

can you sense the frustration in my voice?or in those words?But anywaaaaayyy

I gave ya'll a hint again hehe,an obvious hint or whateva.How's the story so far?

Happy 6k reads!!!I love ya'll so much and Thank you 177kinasag BlankGucciPrince for the ideas!I highly appreciate it.

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