Chapter 02

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Chapter 02 - The Meeting



        "So, Taehyung, what are your plans for your birthday tomorrow?" Jimin asked sitting on the brunette's table.

"I don't know, Chim. Maybe I'll hang out with mother since she's always out of the country for business trips." He sighed and placed his head on Jimin's comfortable lap.

"Well that's a good idea, Tae. You should really go for it!" The coffee head played with Taehyung's hair soothingly.

Taehyung grinned and pulled out his phone.

Mamaella 🌸


Mom,are you free
✔️sent 2:59pm


Mamaella 🌸:2:59pm

Oh sorry,sweetie
I was abt to call
you too


Mamaella 🌸:3:00pm

Im packing my
bags rn

I'm flying to Los
Angeles for anthr
business trip.


Mamaella 🌸:3:01pm

But dw hun
ill send u ur

so u won't be
upset k?



Ok mom

Have a safe trip 💞
✔️sent 3:01pm

Taehyung sighed and turned his phone off. He can hear his heart shatter into million pieces.

"So?" Jimin beamed at his best friend, "What's wrong, Tae?" He noticed the sad expression on the brunette's face.

"N-nothing..." Taehyung smiled, trying to hide the pain he's feeling.

Taehyung doesn't want another another expensive materials for his birthday, he wanted to spend his special day with his busy mother, just this once.

The brunette understood that she's doing this for him. But can't she just pay attention to her child? Her child that everyone thinks that has a perfect life just because he always plaster his lips with his charming smile?

Taehyung is so damn tired of pretending. Pretending to be happy.

Taehyung blinked his tears away and stood up abruptly. The brunette walked towards the classroom door.

"Where are you going, Tae?" Jimin asked and stood up.

"Stay here. I-I just forgot something." he mumbled and left the room with heavy heart. Silently hoping that Jimin didn't noticed the way his voice broke.

Taehyung walked, trying to find a place that is quiet and has fresh air.

He halt when he saw the school garden's entrance. Taehyung exhaled and went towards the bench in the center of the room.

No one is in there except him. And the flowers looked beautiful, which distracted him for awhile.

Taehyung clutched his chest, eyebrows furrowing, trying not to let out a sound as he sob painfully.

He covered his mouth.

Your so weak, Taehyung.

You act like as if you won't have a birthday next year.

The brunette punched his chest with anger while tears continued to stream down his face.

This sucks.

"Uhm..." A voice trailed, not knowing what to say or do. A boy is on his usual spot, and he doesn't know how to start a conversation. His social anxiety is preventing him to comfort the sobbing boy.

But Taehyung didn't notice him and continued to bawl his eyes out.

The confused and worried male stepped closer towards Taehyung and hesitantly placed his cold hands on the other's shoulder.

"A-are you okay?" He asked. I'm so bad at this. He thought.

Taehyung's eyes widen and wiped his tears immediately.

"O-oh, hi!" Taehyung smiled,facing the boy. A tear glided his cheek one last time and he wiped it in a speed of light. Taehyung looked at his phone.


Taehyung's eyes widen. It's just the exact time from the mark on his wrist.

"Uhm, are you o-okay?" the worried boy asked, almost inaudible.

"Y-yes, don't worry. I'm...I'm fine" Taehyung laughed awkwardly and looked everywhere but the boy infront of him. Taehyung felt giddy inside and he didn't know why.


The tension thicken as the both of them stayed quiet until Taehyung decided to cut it.

"What's your name? I'm Taehyung." the brunette smiled, sniffling slightly. As if he didn't have a mental break down just now.

"I-I'm Jeonkook Jung-- I mean, Kookj-- J-Jeon Jungkook..." The boy named Jungkook rambled. His heart pounded against his rib cage.

My gosh, I hate socializing.

Jungkook thought.

"I-I'll be going now, Jungkook! Uhm...but can you please not t-tell anyone about what you've seen?" Taehyung smiled, embarrassed.

"Okay." he responded and sat on the bench.

But before Taehyung can leave.

"It's okay to falter your smile a little bit. It's not like youre happy everyday. You're human, too. Just don't push yourself too much just to make them believe you're okay." Jungkook said, not sparing the brunette a glance. Jungkook is afraid that the other will see his tomato-like face.

Oh, I did not just--

"O-okay. Bye, Jungkook" Taehyung said and left.


They both thought.



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