Chapter 17

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Chapter 17 - 6:02pm


"I dare you to change your hair into brown,Kookie." Taehyung and Jungkook are currently roaming around the mall,hand in hand.

"I dare you to change your hair into grey." Jungkook turned to Taehyung with a daring look on his face.

"Okay then..." the brunette winked."There's a salon over there,Kookie." Taehyung stated while pointing at a modern looking salon.

They walked towards the salon,already wearing the clothes they bought.Their old ones inside a paper bag.

"Hi,good afternoon,welcome to Salon de Beauté.My name's Yujin,how can I help you?" A young lady with a purple hair asked while smiling at them warmly.

They told the girl what they wanted and the girl told the other staff to color Jungkook's hair.

"I'm sure you'll like your new hair color,Taehyung-ah." she said and Taehyung nodded,feeling excited.


"Okay,no peeking." both of the males covered their eyes.



"Three--oh what the loving fuck,you look so good.Please have mercy.I have a weak heart.I can't handle this.Kim Taehyung,stop being so goddamn handsome!" Jungkook exclaimed while fanning himself.Taehyung stared at Jungkook with flushed face and wide eyes."You look like a freaking goddess,Kookie.Stop!I think I'm gonna die!" the grey haired male squealed and embraced Jungkook like a fanboy he is.

"Senpai,you look so damn good." he said and examined Jungkook's now brown hair."No,you look gooder."the brown haired male said."No!you look goodest." Taehyung pouted.

"There's no such word as goodest,bub." Jungkook chuckled while gazing at the others eyes."And there's no such word as gooder,Kookie." Taehyung said and giggled.

"Too sweet.Too damn sweet." the Yujin shook her head while grinning widely,happy that her costumer looks happy with the result.

The males stared at each other with happiness present in their eyes.

"I haven't seen such perfect couple like the two of you.You both look so unreal.Can I take a picture?" she asked."Yes,of course." Taehyung said and held up a "V " sign while Jungkook slung his arms around Taehyung's shoulder while grinning.His confidence boosted after he met Taehyung and is not that shy around everyone anymore.


"Wanna taste?" Taehyung asked while slightly pushing his ice cream towards Jungkook."What flavor is that,bub?" the brown haired male asked.

"Strawberry,obviously." he grinned.They are currently in a café,they're on their way towards Jungkook's house since Taehyung's still living with them after he got kicked out.

Jungkook licked the ice cream while maintaining his eye contact on Taehyung,which the grey head finds hot.

"Yum.Want to taste mine?" the brown head licked his lips.Taehyung blushed and leaned towards the cold sweet to lick it.Jungkook moved the cone away from his face and leaned towards the grey head abruptly,making Taehyung lick his lips instead.

The grey haired male pulled away quickly with wide eyes and tomato like face."K-kookie!" he squeaked and covered his face.

"Tastes nice,right?" Jungkook laughed at Taehyung's embarrassed state."You don't do that out o-of nowhere,Jeon!" Taehyung flicked Jungkook's forehead not so harshly.

6:02pm /TK/Where stories live. Discover now