Chapter 14

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Chapter 14 - The Jeons


            Jungkook placed his bag on the table with a smile on his face."I'm home~" he cooed before hearing the pitter-patter of steps coming towards him.

"Kookie bunny!" Rorae squealed happily and flew towards him to give the ravenette a hug.

"Hi,bub" he grinned while returning the hug."You look happy,Kookie." she said,still in his arms.

"Yep,you sure do look happy,Kookie." His mother giggled and went towards him to give her son a peck on both of his cheeks.

"Mind telling us what happened?" Min-jun asked while reading a news article on the newspaper.

"Taehyung said he loved the surprise very much and that he's very happy." Jungkook went to his father and sat next to him.

"You said he's popular,he must be very pretty,when can we see him?" Ji-chu sat beside her husband and placed her chin on his shoulder.

"He's very beautiful,eomma.Out of this world." he sighed dreamily.

"We want to meet him,Kookie!" Rorae exclaimed and clapped her hands excitedly.

Jungkook glanced at both of his parents,as if asking them if they want to meet Taehyung like Rorae does.

"Yes,you should really invite him for dinner tomorrow." Ji-chu said while smiling warmly at him.

"Okay,eomma.I'll tell him." The ravenette grinned widely.He's really thankful that God provided him a very supportive and loving parents and younger sibling.A perfect family.Even if they're not always perfect,it made them stronger as an individual and a family.


"Hi,Kookie!" Taehyung pecked his lover's lips,making the other smile widely.

"Hello,hun." Jungkook greeted and embraced him then pecked the brunette's neck making him blush at the feeling.

"I don't need diabetes.So,no thank you." Jimin giggled while limping slightly followed with a smirking Yoongi.

"Why can't you walk properly,Chim?Are you okay?Did you get injured?" Taehyung bombarded his best friend with questions.

"I-I fell..." Jimin swallowed the lump in his throat with a face almost like a tomato.

"Yep,He fell...for me." Yoongi winked at his soulmate playfully."Stop~" the coffee haired male shook his head.

"Damn,someone had fun." Jungkook chuckled.

Taehyung stood awkwardly,not knowing what to do or think.

Wait,Jimin isn't virgin anymore!

"You're not the holy Jimin i've met before.Chimchim is growing up so fast." Taehyung wiped his fake tears.


"Don't show your face if ever you're the one limping okay?" Jimin gritted his teeth in frustration and shame.

Jungkook smirked and glanced at the furiously blushing Taehyung."Not until we're married,Kooks." the brunette jabbed his finger on Jungkook's chest.

"Okay,bub.I'll wait forever when it comes to you." he smiled warmly at his flattered boyfriend.

"Thanks,Kookie." Taehyung smiled widely and linked his fingers with Jungkook,the feeling of electricity running through his veins made his heart beat two times quicker.

I'll get used to this.

"You didn't wait for me,Yoongi." Jimin pouted."It's because you were begging for it!how can I control?" Yoongi shook his head and slung his arms around his lover.(Yoongi is slightly tall in this.)

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