Chapter 2

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Tanjiro peeked inside the bush,a bit scared.He moved a bit of the bush and found a yellow wolf,but it wasn't entirely yellow.The wolf's paws,tail,and ears were orange.And it looked like it's leg was fractured.

"So...what did you find?"Nezuko asked in curiosity.

"Yeah,why aren't you saying anything?"Inosuke crossed his arms.

Tanjiro looked up to face Nezuko and Inosuke,then he motioned them to come over and see.

Nezuko and Inosuke looked at each other,confused.But then they nodded and went towards Tanjiro and crouched down.

Nezuko's eyes lit up as she saw the multicolored wolf.She immediately wanted to lift it up and cuddle with it until Tanjiro stopped her.He noticed that the wolf was peacefully sleeping so he decided to whisper.

"Stop,Nezuko.It has an injured leg.."He whispered.

Nezuko listened to Tanjiro and she left it alone.

Inosuke was confused as why Tanjiro and Nezuko were whispering.


"I told you,we don't know if it's dangerous or not!"Tanjiro told him,"Also please be quiet,we don't want to wake the wolf up"He said.

Inosuke scoffed,"Fine...So what are we going to do with it?"He asked.

"Well first we should help it,so then we can keep it for a while and see if it's dangerous or not"Nezuko suggested.

"Yeah,We'll do that"Tanjiro nodded at her.

Nezuko helped Tanjiro carry the wolf,They had a bit of trouble getting inside the tree House of course.The three of them almost fell because of Inosuke.

They finally got up to the tree house.Luckily,they had a small spared blanket and they layed it on the floor.Then Tanjiro placed the injured wolf on it.

The wolf woke up at the sudden movement,It was revealed that the wolf's eye color went from brown to gold.

Nezuko's eyes sparkled at the beautiful eyes.

Tanjiro smiled softly at the wolf,but then he noticed that there was a small name tag on the wolf's neck.The name that was written onto the tag was,


"Hmm?Zenitsu?Is that your name?"Tanjiro looked at the wolf.

"Zenitsu?Is that what it says on the name tag?"Nezuko questioned.

"Yeah,It says it right here"Tanjiro said.

"Huh..Zenitsu sure does sound like a strange name.Never heard of it"Inosuke said.

"Anyways I'll go get some bandages for Zenitsu"Nezuko said cheerfully as she left the tree house.


Hey guys I'm very sorry for not updating sooner and I tried to make this chapter as long and interesting as possible so I'm sorry if it's garbage.And I really do appreciate whoever is reading and voting on this thank you very much for your support :) Anyways thank you so much for reading this chapter,bye (:

A wolf in the forest (TanZen){COMPLETED☑️}Where stories live. Discover now